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Too much B12 and Folate?

how much is considered too much b12 and folate? I'm currently taking:

-12mg of adenob12 first thing in the morning with 400mg of LCF

-45mg of methylb12 split evenly into three doses of 15mg

-15mg of methylfolate split evenly into three doses of 5mg

-600mg of supplemental potassium split evenly into 3 doses, along with 4 cups of low sodium v8 a day (900mg of potassium each cup)

-1200mg of LCF, one 400mg dose in the morning one 800mg dose before my workout

I wouldn't normally have a problem with this but whenever I take methylfolate I feel some dizzyness and fatigue starts settling in. Is this a sign that I'm taking too much? Or that I need more?

I've read Freddd's guides on this but I can't find the answer. Thanks


Senior Member
Those are definitely godzilla like doses :)
Usually it's about finding a balance more than aiming for the world record :) Have you tried lowering folate to a level where it doesn't give you any side effects?

If such a dose exists try to keep it for a while and see how it goes. Maybe you don't need to push it any further, or maybe it's a matter of getting used to it before increasing.

Also keep in mind that at those dosage of B9 and B12 other Bs may go out of balance in the long run.
Those are definitely godzilla like doses :)
Usually it's about finding a balance more than aiming for the world record :) Have you tried lowering folate to a level where it doesn't give you any side effects?

If such a dose exists try to keep it for a while and see how it goes. Maybe you don't need to push it any further, or maybe it's a matter of getting used to it before increasing.

Also keep in mind that at those dosage of B9 and B12 other Bs may go out of balance in the long run.
Believe it or not high doses have been working the best for me, it's resolved most of my constant fatigue/brain fog and speech slurring, I first noticed those effects when I got ballsy and tried 1mg of b12 and 5mg of folate one night after feeling inspired from reading a Freddd post. Before that I was micro dosing b12 and folate and all I felt was hypokalemia symptoms, high bp, fatigue and a worsening of my brain fog

I'm keeping most other B's in balance besides p5p and B5, I can't seem to tolerate those for some reason. I'm waiting on B1 in the mail and I currently take 500mcg of biotin at night with 425mg of mag malate and 200mg of mag glycinate. Every other vitamin and mineral is dialed in

My case might be special cause I have no MTHFR snps, but several MTR and MTRR snps along with a MTHFS and MTHFD1 snp. I'm guessing this means my demand for b12 is extremely high and I have to take extra folate to balance out the b12, but I can't get it through food cause it's mostly folinic.

I'm also very active, I go to the gym 5 times a week and try to get physical as often as I can so maybe that's why my body demands all this b12, folate and potassium?

P.S. I'm not bragging about my physical ability, I know there's some here who can only exercise 20 minutes in a month, I just wanna state the facts to see if someone can help out :)
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Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
I was up to 30mg folate, and still drifting into deficiency symptoms. When I stopped green veggies, I was able to drop my dose by 1/2. Some of us have problems w/ the folinic form of vegetables blocking folate.
I was up to 30mg folate, and still drifting into deficiency symptoms. When I stopped green veggies, I was able to drop my dose by 1/2. Some of us have problems w/ the folinic form of vegetables blocking folate.
I don't think I know my body well enough to understand how my possible folate deficiency symptoms manifest. What are your symptoms?


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
Folate deficiency tends toward skin symptoms. You can look at Freddd's list. For me, almost immediately I lose hair. Also acne type lesions, blood blisters in my mouth. Others have a range of skin issues. Fred's first is angular chelitis, cracks in the corners of the mouth.

I forgot to add in my earlier post that I was able to also decrease the amount of folate Ineed by taking it sublingually. Same folate, not a special type, but sublingual instead of swallowing. It only needs to be in my mouth a very short time. Cut my dosage in half.
Folate deficiency tends toward skin symptoms. You can look at Freddd's list. For me, almost immediately I lose hair. Also acne type lesions, blood blisters in my mouth. Others have a range of skin issues. Fred's first is angular chelitis, cracks in the corners of the mouth.

I forgot to add in my earlier post that I was able to also decrease the amount of folate Ineed by taking it sublingually. Same folate, not a special type, but sublingual instead of swallowing. It only needs to be in my mouth a very short time. Cut my dosage in half.
I might try sublingually once I buy powder mfolate, as of now I have solid tabs and they've been working fine but I'm gonna experiment by going a little higher whenever I feel the onset lethargy and fatigue, thanks!
This is a little off topic, but has anyone notice a weird spot-like pattern on b12 lozenges when they're left out? I have a bottle of Jarrows 5mg b12 lozenges and if I leave them out for a while they become spotted... Is the lozenge being degraded by the light and oxygen? Or is that just intravenous b12?