this subject is in my field... I studied Nutrition for a couple of years as a subject when doing a Government accediated course... It isnt a case of just take large doses of vitamin C and you'll be fine mate! there are issues it can cause which ive listed below
Firstly i'd like to say that Vitamin C does help one of my CFS symptoms when i get it... it helps when i go all allergy and start waking up all sniffly with a blocked nose every single morning. I was like that for at least a couple of years... and vitamin C in my case got rid of that. I may of felt slightly more energy but I wasnt sure.. so possibly placebo affect there. "Salt and C" or "Salt/C" used to be an experiemental CFS therapy years back which quite a few where doing and did help some, (I dont recommend that therapy thou due to the high amounts of salt and some were harmed due to that).
I also find Vitamin C useful to stop viruses eg colds in their tracks if taken in a high dose as soon as I start getting symptoms.
Vitamin C is fairly safe to take in large doses, its water soluble and dont stay in the body for long.. hence if you are taking it for a therapy, you need to be taking it at least twice a day to keep it in the body, some recommend dosing hrly doses. The bigger the dose you take.. the less of a percentage of it you absorb.
One can usually take it up to the point where ones bowel or stomache isnt tolleranting it very well eg diarrhea, gas, nausea then from there cut back to dosage slightly. I get that effect kick in once I start taking 4 grams of C per day, hence when im taking it I usually take it in 3 lots of 1 gram eg 3 grams in total per day.
* You can prepare your gut first by taking yogurt or apple cider vinegar before taking vitamin C
Taking vitamin C in HIGH doses LONG TERM, can cause kidney stones.
Thirdly taking high doses for a while and then suddenly stopping it, can cause rebound scurvey, as ones own body has adjusted to having the high amounts hence if been taking this for while like this, tamper back the Vitamin C slowly.
Lastly Vitamin C due to its acidity can rot teeth hence wash mouth out after supplementation
The C supplement is very important too... Ive found the ones one buys in the supermarket are all crap. Vitamin C should be taken with bioflavinoids for absorption so the C you buy, check that it has these added eg rutin, quercetin, hesperidin (not sure if my spelling is correct), (a very good C supplement will have 3 bioflavinoids added). (natural high sources of vitamin C have bioflavinoids naturally in the foods). Vitamin C in powdered form is better absorbed then in tablet form.
Those who are smokers, asprin users, those on oral contraceptives, antibiotics, cortisone treatment or sulphur drugs.... all these things deplete vitamin C or reduce absortion ability and increase amount of vitamin C needed.
* If anyone is on anticlotting medication, they shouldnt take massive doses of vitamin C as it can interfere with their drug. Vitamin C may also mess with diabetes urine tests causing false results