Are you saying that M.E/CFS affected people who have an MEA membership have no right to have their views represented by any person they choose to represent them and that axionatically those views are illegitimate ?
Do they choose Dr Shepherd to represent them? Are they given options and a vote? Or do they get stuck with whatever representative is chosen by the MEA? I'm also not aware of alternatives to the MEA in England, but would be very interested to know what other options there are in the realm of organized support for ME patients. If there is basically only the one organization, and its members do not choose who speaks to the media for them, the only say they have is to be a member or not to be a member. It is quite likely that many members are not 100% in accord with the MEA (or any other organization), yet choose to remain members because the good outweighs the bad.
Furthermore, I see no easy way for MEA members to give their feedback to the MEA. There is no apparent discussion between members and the MEA, only information and services provided by the MEA to its members and the public. The MEA is in charge, and for a fee, the members can participate by getting some brochures with the information that the MEA deems appropriate. Though I do admit I'm basing my assumptions based solely on what I see on their website, and may not have all the relevant information.
That said, I don't think Dr. Shepherd is a bad representative. His views and that of the MEA seem sensible, assuming their rejection of the psychological cause for the continuation of ME is sincere. But on the other hand, being a reasonable and intelligent representative does not necessarily equate to being an
effective representative or advocate.
He is being largely ignored in the recent media frenzy, and it may be because he is not sensational enough. Reasonable and intelligent advocacy is essential if we are to be taken seriously, but the media isn't going to give a damn unless there's some sizzle with the steak. His response to Max Pemberton is spot on for accuracy, but it's dull as dirt, focusing on numbers. Then he goes on to list the names of the BS psychological treatments - thereby reinforcing their existence in the minds of the public.
He is taking a purely reactionary stand, but with none of the passion seen in article to which he is responding. Why not go on the offensive? Why not display outrage at what Max Pemberton has said?
The notions of democracy you expound are frankly crass, although they are commonly expounded by numerous internet bullies who drive people away from any arena the bully chooses as a stamping ground. The vast majority of M.E/CFS affected people do not openly use the internet - anyone who has spent time on the various M.E/CFS forums knows full well that we are a tiny number, wholly unrepresentative of the several million global M.E/CFS affected population.
Of course the vast majority of ME sufferers are not on this website. But why should that negate the power of our opinions? We can't say we represent everyone, because we can't talk to them, and they aren't here talking to us. All we know is what we experience as a community, and I don't think we should stay silent just because we don't know what the rest are thinking. No one is ever going to know everything, but if that stopped people from acting, nothing would ever be accomplished. All we can do is represent ourselves to the best of our abilities.
As to the notion that 'our voices will be heard' as part of some grand accumulation of 'truth' by an invisible proccess of evolutionary sorting (strongest survives, the weak will die ) apart from the profound irony of lauding such a process when dealing with people whose commnonality is defined by the very fact of our weakenss, it is to use an internet term, total burning stupid. The words activist and M.E are now connected in the public mind in the UK, and increasingly across the English speaking world, with so many negatives as to make its authoratitive value unredeemable - the one lasting success of M.E/CFS internet activists is to have made their own identity the health advocacy equivalent of the News of the World. Of course it's all the fault of the evil Sith Lord Wessely assisted by the propaganda and lies of the SMC that M.E/CFS sufferers are now widely veiwed as potential maniacs prone to harrassing anyone foolish enough to actually offer help - that's the great thing about internet activism - no one actually has to take responsibility when things go wrong, or the oppsition turns out to be richer, smarter, more well connected, or just less stupid.
Ah, there's the typical message that we should sit down and shut up, while the experts take care of everything. It'd be tempting to do that, since standing up and shouting is very exhausting for us, but staying uninvolved has gained as absolutely nothing thus far. But maybe we should try something different.
Maybe we need to stand up taller, and shout even louder.