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Tocilizumab - Trial Results


Senior Member
United Kingdom
A few of my friends on here have suggested Tocilizumab as a possible treatment. So I sourced this from Germany for a two month trial (Expensive :()

One injection per week, 8 week trial.

I can confirm that unfortunately this has next to no effect on my ME, but I did get a UTI, which I treated with Amoxicillin. I find that having an infection does give my system a boost for unknown reasons. This was separate from the Tocilizumab, which I can say was not effective at all. I think it's now in demand for serious cases of Covid where the immune system becomes overactive. It seems to me this would be a good use.

Unfortunately despite a few anecdotal suggestions this drug may be effective for us. I have to say that I don't believe it has any value for ME. (Just my experience)