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Time to Vote for MCWPA Public Service Announcements


Senior Member
Clay, Alabama
Time to have your say. PANDORA has always worked to empower patients. Through the MCWPA advertising project, patients give feedback and vote on what message they want in these advertisements. PSAs were offered for patient feedback recently. The designers took that feedback, made a few changes and have offered their final versions.

Please vote on which public service announcement you want to be aired in May for ME/CFS Awareness month.

View PSA #1 Hallmark here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcPkcg9Rj-w

View PSA #2 Serious here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x07VKqkBhzg

View PSA #3 Prevalent here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ik-FeVruYWg&feature=channel_video_title

View PSA #4 Whirlwind here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3j2mEeiTVM

To take the survey, please go here:

If you share the link above, be sure the url address you distribute ends with "start".

The winning designer will received $400 from the MCWPA donations. An anonymous donor has also offered to give $100 to the winner's favorite charity. The second place winner will receive $200 and the third place winner will receive $100.

Voting ends on April 18 at midnight EST. Please share this through your facebook account and forward to all other ME/CFS patients and their families.

We also are asking people to help in distributing these PSAs to local news media. Please e-mail volunteers@mcwpa.org to help.


Senior Member
#4 is the most professional and intriguing to me. Although it is impossible to include all info about ME/CFS in a quick ad, it might lead people to the website. My suggestion to further improve it might be to put pics connotating marriage, kids, college, etc. rather than words, use symptom words that are familar to people(e.g. not "CNS inflammation" but something like ""poor memory" instead, and to put the most common CFS symptoms first in the list (i.e. exercise intolerance, unrefreshing sleep, etc.). Also, something about how many people are left with CFS following an infection-associated illness. Best thing to do might be to put one ad in one market and another in another market to see how they perform.

[I put this in the site comment box but words ran over.]
I liked #1

80% of PWC are undiagnosed. This PSA might make some realise that they have cfs, then get diagnosed. Resulting in strength in #'s.

Part of the reason It took me 7 years to get diagnosed is because I thought you had to be bedbound and in extreme pain all the time. I thought no way do I have that extreme illness.


Senior Member
Clay, Alabama

How very interesting as many report the opposite experience. They are so sick, they can't imagine they have something called "chronic fatigue syndrome".

We got 122 votes in 24 hours. Looking for reaching the goal of 500 by Monday night.

I just got off the phone from local cable company to find out what is needed to have it run.



Senior Member
People - this is your chance to have your voice heard!

We can't get out there and physically demonstrate like the AIDS patients did, so these advertisements and public service announcements by the MCWPA are the next best thing to start shaking things up.

The video will be distributed to as many tv stations across the US as we can get them into. Yes, it's going to be on weird channels and late night and so forth, because the rates are cheaper, but you would be amazed at how many people are viewing at those times and will see it.

I've done a bit of event advertising/publicity in my day and tv is hands down the best medium.

I have an entry, but instead of asking you to vote for me, I'll just say vote for your favorite.

When the best one wins, we all win.


Senior Member
Clay, Alabama

I'm hearing some are delaying because they are having a hard time deciding. We heard the same thing with the print ads. Isn't it wonderful we have such talented people helping us?

190 votes now. Shooting for 500 by Monday night.

Don't let the deadline slip up on you.


senior member
Concord, NH
Time to have your say. PANDORA has always worked to empower patients. Through the MCWPA advertising project, patients give feedback and vote on what message they want in these advertisements. PSAs were offered for patient feedback recently. The designers took that feedback, made a few changes and have offered their final versions.

Please vote on which public service announcement you want to be aired in May for ME/CFS Awareness month.

View PSA #1 Hallmark here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcPkcg9Rj-w

View PSA #2 Serious here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x07VKqkBhzg

View PSA #3 Prevalent here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ik-FeVruYWg&feature=channel_video_title

View PSA #4 Whirlwind here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3j2mEeiTVM

To take the survey, please go here:

If you share the link above, be sure the url address you distribute ends with "start".

The winning designer will received $400 from the MCWPA donations. An anonymous donor has also offered to give $100 to the winner's favorite charity. The second place winner will receive $200 and the third place winner will receive $100.

Voting ends on April 18 at midnight EST. Please share this through your facebook account and forward to all other ME/CFS patients and their families.

We also are asking people to help in distributing these PSAs to local news media. Please e-mail volunteers@mcwpa.org to help.

Do you mind if I copy and paste this onto other forums?



Senior Member
Clay, Alabama

Go ahead, please do.

245 votes now. Looking for 500 by Monday night.

Go team.

We are now recruiting organizations and individuals to help get this distributed. All you have to do is contact your local television station or cable company and find out how to get it aired. In the US, it is a public service announcement and should be free.

Please e-mail me if you are interested in helping: volunteers@mcwpa.org

I found the music on number 1 distracting. It made me want to tune out. I thought 2 and 3 were excellent. 4 was good but made me dizzy.