ThunderClap for ME Awareness Day on PACE trial (Facebook/Twitter/Tumblr)


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Robin Murray, Editor of Psychological Medicine, had this to say in resposne to their letter:
Thank you for your letter and your continuing interest in the paper on the PACE Trial which Psychological Medicine published. I was interested to learn that Wilshire and colleagues have now published a reanalysis of the original data from the PACE Trial in the journal Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behavior, a publication that I was not previously aware of. Presumably, interested parties will now be able to read this reanalysis and compare the scientific quality of the re-analysis with that of the original. My understanding is that this is the way that science advances
Note the tone of snobbery about the journal in which the reanalysis was published. Of course, it was published there, because the attitudes of people in journals such as Psychological Medicine would have ensured it never saw the light of day.

Thanks to Fred Friedberg, editor of Fatigue, for having the courage to publish the reanalysis!
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