I have no idea either, and I certainly don't believe that possibly agitating a reaction with NAC is a guaranteed diagnosis, but it is more for my own personal understanding as after taking an initial dose of hydroxyzine, I responded quite well in some respects, however the side effects hit me hard and persisted for days afterward, antihistamines in general also seem to have that effect.
Both myself and my girlfriend have suspected I may have mast cell issues as my inflammation/allergy problems are pretty much constant, it seems as if every little thing at some base level irritates me and some things cause significantly greater reactions than others. Not only that but my INR time is abnormally high, which to me might indicate higher than normal levels of heparin circulating, which would coincide with the theory that my mast cells degranulate at the slightest provocation.
I actually have not gotten it tested, as screwed up as it sounds, I actually have a greater chance of simply getting my doctor to try me out on various meds than he would testing me for certain things. This year I hope to get some more diagnostic stuff done, I will run the idea by him that I'd like to have my histamine levels tested, I know he'll just ask me why I don't like hydroxyzine.
My pitch to him then will basically be that the effect is too strong and I would prefer to try a dedicated mast cell stabilizer instead.
I really do need to have many tests done, but I live in Canada and our healthcare system is just really really dumb when it comes to testing for certain things, I'm going to have to pay out of pocket for many of the ones I really need done.