Robert Bly event of my life
Hi Tree--
I have a long history of Robert Bly "connections." When I was in college, in 1977, my creative writing teacher told me that Robert Bly was doing a reading in town (in Boulder, CO, where I lived), and that if I didn't go, she would FLUNK me!

She was trying to make a point, because I was really into Jung and fairytales and myth, etc... (as Robert Bly was), and she desperately wanted me to attend his reading.
So I went to that reading, and it ended up being one the MOST MOST MOST powerfully eventful events of my life. HO! my god! In the middle of a wonderful theatrical reading in a small downtown church, Robert Bly stood up and confronted the Naropa Buddhists for having their orgies!

I knew all about this, as this group of Buddhists, followers of Rinpoche Trungpa (a known drinker and womanizer) had "a reputation" that preceeded them. But they always got away with whatever they did, under the guise of what they called "crazy wisdom." When Robert Bly called them out, it was a scene I will NEVER forget... with the Buddhists in the audience shouting back at Robert, and he shouting some more at them, and then the Buddhists stomping out, in the middle of the reading, and then Robert continuing on without a blink.
I spoke with him about this many years later, and told Robert how impressed and awestruck I was with his courage that night, and was very surprised with his response. He told me that he was actually very scared. "There were people in that audience who wanted to hurt me," were his exact words. I told him it had changed my life to see that reading, and empowered me even more to stand up to the truth. He was really pleased to know this.
I've seen Robert Bly do readings almost regularly since the 80's and always look forward to it. There is a special connection I have because of that first experience.