This year's flu shot -- preservative-free version is not too bad


Senior Member
Dr R recommended the preservative-free flu vaccine this year. I have had the flu vaccine in previous years with only a small, temporary setback in health. The relatively small consequence is much better than getting the flu for me, so I've taken the vaccine for a number of years now.

The good news this year is that the preservative-free version (or just this year's combo) gave me absolutely no side effects whatsoever. :thumbsup: Worth considering if you, like me, have kids or others bringing pathogens into your home and your rxn to flu vaccines in the past wasn't severe. Naturally, if you've had bad rxns in the past, the vaccine is probably not a good idea.

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
I began taking flu shots after I had the 'terrible flu', in hopes of never getting it again. My reaction is moderate and always the same. I spend time with my elderly mother whose immune system may not respond well to vaccine, so I continue to take it.