This is so Weird!


Senior Member
About two years ago, I had several things going on at once that required a triple course of antibiotics. One of them was an upper respiratory infection. After this, I was stuck with an unpleasant, musty smell in my nose. Sometimes it changes character to a strong yeast smell, or something like cheese. This has continued on and off for the entire two years. Then there was this odor that smelled like chemicals or something.

Yesterday afternoon, I started smelling that odor again. It reminded me of hot metal, or chemicals for lack of a better description. The closest I can compare it to is maybe bleach, or nail polish remover. Accompanying this, are extremely hot and inflamed sinuses, and no mucous production.

It is driving me crazy! The last time I experienced this, my doctor examined me, and said that my sinuses were inflamed, and prescribed steroid nose drops which only over time caused a bleeding sore inside my nose. So I stopped the drops. I have been trying warm Neti pot rinses with a bit of salt and baking soda, Xylitol nasal spray, and regular saline spray. Nothing seems to relieve that awful smell and the sensation of hot dryness. I even read somewhere that putting a drop of baby shampoo in the Neti pot might help in case it's a biofilm that has taken over my sinuses.

So far nothing helps, and the smell is maddening I can't enjoy my food and can hardly smell normal things because this smell is so potent. And my eyes are drier than usual as well.

Does anyone else experience this? Any suggestions? I am desperate!


Senior Member
Oh belize, I'm sooo sorry!! :hug: It sounds like there is something there even if your doctor couldn't find it. Some sort of inflammation.

Since you had an infection and then a huge whack of antibiotics, perhaps taking a probiotic might help. Since you mentioned a yeast or cheesy type smell, maybe there is a fungal infection. If so, perhaps an antifungal drug could be prescribed.

Also, saccharomyces boulardii might help. It is a probiotic yeast, the good kind. If you do have a fungal/yeast infection there is a good chance it will help. Just how much help or how quickly it will work is anyone's guess. You don't need a prescription for that.

I can relate to weird, overpowering smells that you know your body is generating. A few months ago I had a crisis with this type of problem. I had slowly gotten myself off gabapentin thinking, mistakenly, that it wasn't doing much. Wrong.

Within 24hrs I started smelling this vile odour. It just got stronger and gave me nausea, vomiting and a terrible migraine. Phoned the dr in a panic and asked for Lyrica (similar to gabapentin). Luckily that helped. These drugs are anti-seizure meds. I think they were/are blocking the cries for help my sensory nerves were sending. They aren't fixing the problem but they are allowing me to cope while I try to sort it out.

Since you also mentioned bleach, I'm wondering about ammonia. Our bodies generate this, and I think if you have the wrong microbes, they can as well. So we are back to probiotics again and maybe something to mop up ammonia.

My nose doesn't feel hot but it is very dry. Virtually no moisture at all most of the time.

I hope this helps. My thread on the crisis I referred to can be found here. Maybe others will have more insight into the biochemistry aspect of this. Good luck!
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Senior Member
I am currently taking a very strong probiotic, but it doesn't seem to help with this. I am worried that it is something brain related since no one else can smell this odor. My husband even tried to see if he could smell anything when I exhale through my nose, but he smelled nothing. It is very frustrating.


Senior Member
Have you had a CT scan or MRI to rule out some brain-related stuff?

What about seeing an endocrinologist, or at least talking to your dr about hormones that act on the brain? I'm thinking thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal ... those types of things. Maybe some hormone is out of whack and/or something is wrong with one or more of those organs.

I can relate to having an overwhelming odour that other people can't smell. I felt like I'd been sprayed by a skunk and couldn't get the stuff off me no matter how much I washed. Other people practically put their nose on me but could not smell anything. The Lyrica is a huge help with that. I'm not noticing the odour so much, even though I know "it" is there.

Which probiotic are you taking?


Senior Member
I'm taking a probiotic called Flora Protect. It has 8 strains of beneficial bacteria, as well as being freeze dried and enteric coated. I have been using it for nearly 8 years. I am due to see an endocrinologist because I have a cyst on my thyroid which is benign. I wish I could use Lyrica but when I tried it about two years ago, I had some pretty severe reactions to it. I expect to get some answers but that won't be for a month, at least. I read your linked post and found it very informative. I just wish I knew for sure what was going on with me. Sigh.


Senior Member
I'm wondering whether that cyst on your thyroid is causing trouble. I'm glad it is benign but just because it is not cancer does not mean it isn't having a negative effect. I would be very interested in what the endo has to say.


senior member
Concord, NH
I used a BEG spray compounded by Hopkinton Drug, I think a few others have used the same/similar product for nasal issues, I used the stuff years ago and have not had to use it again! Perhaps this is what you need?



Senior Member
I will be seeing an ENT specialist, so I will have to wait on those results. In the meantime, the smell is diminishing. Even more weird! My doctor examined me and said that my sinuses are inflamed and swollen, which is why he referred me to the ENT.