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Things Which Definitely Are Not Illnesses or Diseases


AfME have made a complaint to the Press Complaints Commission about this.

I have too on the grounds that the article violates the 'accuracy' part of the code of conduct. Mind you, I did the same before over the Dr Crippen articles in the Guardian and the PCC's response was the BS that the Guardian was only publishing Dr Crippen's opinion.


Senior Member
omg, impossible to describe all the ways that other article was horrible.
Let's just start with how he might have looked up "neurological" in the OED and go from there...

Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch
The MEA did submit a PCC complaint in respect of this article in August:

Dr Max Pemberton and the Daily Telegraph: help required

by Tony Britton on October 17, 2011

In relation to our complaint to the Press Complaints Commission, The ME
Association is currently responding to a second detailed submission from the
Daily Telegraph.

The paper is stating that it only received two letters (one from the MEA)
and no emails in response to the article by Dr Max Pemberton on Monday 29

This total does not include people who emailed and commented on the online

At the time I was aware of a number of people who were going to email or
write to the Editor of the paper.

If you did so please could you confirm on here or via
and say whether any acknowledgement was received.


Dr Charles Shepherd


From MEA News archive for August 2011


Protestors have got it all wrong on ME, Daily Telegraph, 29 August 2011

by Tony Britton on August 29, 2011
From the Daily Telegraph, 29 August 2011 (comment by Max Pemberton).

That people feel threatened by the idea that ME has a psychological component says a lot about the stigma of mental illness.

It might seem strange that a group of doctors would be subjected to harassment, bullying and death threats for attempting to help people. Even more baffling if the death threats should come from the very people they were trying to help.

Yet earlier this month, Prof Simon Wessely, a doctor and pioneering researcher into ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis), disclosed that he and other scientists working on the condition had received death threats from a small group of protesters who have ME. In addition, the protesters have made complaints to the General Medical Council, universities and ethics committees all of which have been proved to be baseless in an attempt to disrupt further work.

The reason for their behaviour is that research is focusing on the psychological basis of the condition; as a result of the findings, ME is now considered to have a significant psychiatric component. While the protesters represent only a tiny fraction of those with ME, it is true to say that many others feel strongly about the suggestion that it has any basis in psychology at all.

Symptoms of ME include extreme fatigue and muscle pain. Sufferers are sometimes bed-bound or have to use wheelchairs. Many claim that their condition is the result of a viral infection or exposure to environmental toxins. Research to date has failed to support conclusively this hypothesis, much to the chagrin of sufferers, who feel frustrated and angry that doctors remain sceptical that this is the actual cause.

The ME Association, while condemning the death threats, said that sufferers have a justifiable complaint, as almost no ongoing government-funded research is looking into the bio-medical basis of the disease. Yet research is being carried out into the viral aspect, with the Medical Research Council backing a recent study into precisely this.

In addition, years of research have already been undertaken, which has produced underwhelming, inconclusive results to support a biomedical cause. It wasnt until psychiatrists such as Prof Wessely started treating the condition psychologically that real progress was made.

The current gold standard for treatment, as supported by the National Institute for Healh and Clinical Excellence (Nice), is a combination of supervised exercise and talking therapies. A major British trial published in The Lancet found that at least one in three patients with ME improved or recovered using this approach. The biggest hurdle faced by doctors is persuading people to actually attend and engage with treatment. They resist because they refuse to be seen as mentally unwell. It does seem bizarre that those with such a debilitating disease would refuse treatment because it was given by a psychiatrist.

Most people are more than happy to be seen by any specialist more than one if required. If you have a painful knee, for example, you might be seen by a rheumatologist and an orthopaedic surgeon. The involvement of representatives of both these specialities would never be regarded as evidence that you were not believed, or that your welfare was being undermined.

Microbiologists and immunologists have been unable to help ME patients, and so psychiatrists have become involved. But that is considered outrageous. People refuse to go to outpatient appointments and refuse treatment, despite evidence that it works. Accusations are thrown around that the medical profession is not taking them seriously. But, just because doctors frame a condition in terms the sufferer does not like, does not mean doctors are not taking it seriously. That people feel threatened by the idea that ME has a psychological component says a lot about the stigma of mental illness.

Its an attitude that dogs the lives of many people living with mental health problems. Yet, for me, a psychological explanation is a very real one. It doesnt mean someone is faking it; it doesnt mean the illness doesnt exist. It also doesnt mean that people should be able simply to pull their socks up and get better, or that its under conscious control. However, it is testament to the complexity of the brain that the mind is capable of such stark physical symptoms. As a model for understanding a condition, its as valid as any other.


Senior Member
That Max Pemberton was embarrassing.

It looks like a classic example of someone knocking out an editorial about something they know nothing about. I was cringing through it, especially as that was the tidied up version, after he'd corrected his most basic errors. How could he have realised he had been so misled about the efficacy of CBT/GET, and still go on insisting that the only reason patients resented their over-promotion was because of some fear of the stigma of mental health issues? He must really not give a damn.

Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch
Invest in ME PCC complaint:

http://www.investinme.org/Article-505 PCC Complaint Aug 2011.htm

There are a number of documents at this link including responses from the PCC.

"During July and August 2011 a series of articles has appeared in the UK press carrying the same, or very similar stories all highlighting the opinions of Professor Simon Wessely of Kings College, London specifically his views on Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) (sometimes referred to as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)). The articles and newspapers concerned were

The Sunday Times ("Shoot the medical messenger see if thatll cure you" - Rod Liddle 31 July)
The Times (6 August 2011 - Stefanie Marsh)
( Chronic fatigue syndrome researchers face death threats from militants -Robin McKie - 21 August 2011)
Observer Spectator ("Mind The Gap" Wessely -26 August)
Daily Telegraph ("Protestors have got it all wrong on ME" 27 August 2011 Max Pemberton)

The correspondence:

Code of Practice which all newspapers and magazines who subscribe must adhere to

1 IiME Letter to PCC 29th August 2011
2 Reply from PCC 5th September 2011
3 Further IiME Letter and Document to PCC 10th September 2011
4 Reply from PCC 13th September 2011
5 Decision by PCC


Senior Member
Well I was one who commented on the article (3 times) - it being the most accessible for me. Last I looked there were over 250 irate comments. This should form part of the public response to the Daily Telegraph - pretty certain Malcolm Hooper and others will have responded formally or has that gone conveniently missing.

That once a much respected paper should have dropped to the level of "politics" in medicine/obvious partisanship/no attempt to reach the truth of a matter have made it and all it's arms unacceptable to us all here. Anyone who has been near journalism will know the "slippery" side if allowed.