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Things I'm grateful for, feel free to add


Senior Member
In keeping with my last thread, I thought I'd mention some of the things I actually am grateful for. Some of them are serious, but most are strange or quirky. With CFS/ME...we need to take anything we can get, right?!? I will start a list, please feel free to add anything YOU are grateful for.

-Going outside and seeing the green on the trees. To me, the color green has always been stunning, especially how vibrant it is in leaves. I don't always get out, but whenever I do, I really appreciate the trees. Maybe it's because I don't see them everyday or maybe it's because I used to rarely get out. But lately, I go outside 3-4 days a week, specifically to see the trees against the vibrant blue sky, and I'm always in awe.

-Gossip magazines. For $3-$5, I ALWAYS have something to talk to my Mom about. We are both intelligent women, but it's still nice to talk about who made an idiot of themself that week, who's falling for whom, etc. I normally feel too crappy to talk, but I can sometimes spare 5 seconds to see if she's "heard the latest."

-Along the same lines, cable TV. The dumber the reality show, the more I like it. It is amazing that people have the guts to live like that! And I love "the Bachelorette" because I like to try to guess who will win. Also, some of the guys seem really sweet!

-my husband's love and courage

-my church....a group of very genuine people who are really seeking out God. This is a group of people who aren't perfect...this ain't one of those suburban churches where no one seems to have real problems (though I'm sure those people do too). Sometimes homeless people sit in the pews, and it makes me grateful to have a place to come home to after mass, but also grateful to be able to share a song with people who need interaction.


Senior Member
-pop music. Realizing how it's changed makes me feel old, but then again, it makes me feel young.....and I can pick it up on my radio=free entertainment. That catchy stuff, my brain can handle at times.

-tea. Always new flavors, purifies my body, no calories, keeps my anxiety at bay to have a nice mug.

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
I am grateful that I slept 7 hours last night. Rare!! I am also grateful that it is a beautiful day with lots of sunshine and that I have a roof over my head.

I adore my mom and I am grateful she is still alive. I am always thinking she may go..but that has not happened yet.

I am grateful for long showers or baths, good television. Watching "True Blood" off of Netflix.

I am glad I recently took a vacation even though it wasn't easy and my "friend" who isn't my friend anymore drove me nuts. Glad I got away, saw some new sights and just that I did it even though I was/am quite unwell. I am glad I got to go in a beautiful pool while away and I bought a gorgeous bracelet.

I am so grateful for great music and going to an amazing concert the other night.

I am glad for my good sense of humor.

I am grateful for Phoenix Rising because for the most part, you get me.


Senior Member
I'm grateful for Barnes and Noble. Day 2 with no power, 100 degrees out, and they showed me where a power outlet was, for my computer! I'm comfy on the rug, up against a wall, and I'll probably be here most of the day.

I'm happy to have 3 kids home with me this weekend, all of us hot and stinky together, trying to make each other laugh.

I'm grateful for cold showers! Who needs hot water???

I'm grateful for that tip about gossip magazines! I've always avoided gossip - not ME!!! - and maybe that's why I have nothing to talk with Mom about. Hmm. I don't watch TV either. Hmmm. Time to shake up my self-image, methinks.

And yes, grateful for PR, my second home.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I'm grateful for Barnes and Noble. Day 2 with no power, 100 degrees out, and they showed me where a power outlet was, for my computer! I'm comfy on the rug, up against a wall, and I'll probably be here most of the day.
And yes, grateful for PR, my second home.

Go Barnes and Noble! Will they let you sleep there tonight?! o_O It must be awful not to have power in this heat--reminds me of India where I dipped all my clothes in cold water before going outside--but not such a good idea for sleeping...

Dolphins have an advantage--one half of the brain sleeps at a time and they can keep swimming while "asleep."

Best wishes,


work in progress
N. California
The BEACH is my temple! The OCEAN is my god! Forever grateful for the big blue water that is only 2 blocks away from my house, the rhythmically slushing waves, the effortlessly gliding pelicans, the goofy squawking seagulls, the occasional amazing migrating whales, the LOUD sea lions, the playful dolphins, the warm sand and my beach umbrella, which keeps me comfortably in the shade for my mid afternoon adventure away from the confines of home.

Seagull 6-2010.jpg


Southern USA
Church service today, wonderful lunch of salmon and scallops with hubby, RAIN we needed, family, friends, and improving health. :D


Senior Member
Manchester UK
The people in my life, the presence of love in my life, the fact I can walk, talk, see, hear, think, have a roof over my head, and food in my belly, everything I've learnt and am yet to learn, PR, being in recovery and being of service to others, books and the stories they tell, the river I walked by today, the oak tree I sat by, the last light I see lingering in the western sky xxxx


Senior Member
I'm grateful for Dreambirdie's picture (may I ask where it is?). I'm grateful for the preson who created Stargate Atlantis and Dexter.
I agree with Tito, love the picture AND the creator of stargate Atlantis!!

Today I'm grateful for the cool breeze as it looks like I'll be stuck in bed for a bit.

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
Even though I am exhausted, I decided to head to the beach yesterday. New Jersey shore. It's about an hour and 15 from where I live. The day was beautiful. I was so tired. BUT, I sat on the beach and the sun was perfect with no clouds. I enjoyed the silence. I enjoyed my time. I laid there without getting too hot. It was 80 degrees. I went into the ocean several times. The waves were big and I just floated. I love the ocean. I laughed by myself as the waves did what they did to me. I would let them crash into me. I swam a little and stretched while floating. It's those moments and believe me, I am so brain fogged that I couldn't really enjoy it due to brain fog and a loss of really being able to take it in, but it's those moments, as small as they are that keep me going. I take in what I can, and I am grateful. Many with CFS can't get out, so I am grateful that I can. I have a nice tan now and I had some pistachio fudge. Too much of it!

I enjoyed it. I am beat, but I totally love the sun, surf and sand. I am for sure, a summer girl. I want to go back overnight and relax.

Also, candles at night make me happy. Candles and movies from Netflix. I loved the cute movie, "The Artist."
I was so tired. BUT, I sat on the beach and the sun was perfect with no clouds. I enjoyed the silence. I enjoyed my time. I laid there without getting too hot. It was 80 degrees. I went into the ocean several times. The waves were big and I just floated. I love the ocean. I laughed by myself as the waves did what they did to me. I would let them crash into me. I swam a little and stretched while floating. It's those moments and believe me, I am so brain fogged that I couldn't really enjoy it due to brain fog and a loss of really being able to take it in, but it's those moments, as small as they are that keep me going. I take in what I can, and I am grateful. Many with CFS can't get out, so I am grateful that I can. I have a nice tan now and I had some pistachio fudge. Too much of it!

Thanks for sharing this, so I can imagine it better. I often dream of going to the beach. I am so glad you can still enjoy it.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Im grateful for so many simple things in life

- clean water which wont make me sicker
- good food
- a house in which its safe to live
- a country in which I mostly dont have to pay to go to doctors (even if not all the doctors are great.. at least I do get to try to get medical needs meet and some do get met)
- grateful im in a country in which Ive been able to get the disablity payments I need
- family esp my children and grandchildren
-my boyfriend
- friends (even if they are online)
- the nice weather

Im also greatful to some finer things in life
-having enough money to start to pretty my house up
- my computer
- my stereo
- my garden (which is actually looking nice again with some paid help)


Senior Member
oh wonderful post...so glad i come on and i started not to cuase of back and so much anxiety for all things cause it rained....and worrying about hubby kids me having to drive oh lord...so thanks for taking my mind off that for a minute..

im so very grateful for my wonderful kids....
for the times my hubby is understanding about my illness
for the window i can sit see birds squirells and some stray kittys from...i use to love nature and walking and jogging...
grateful for this support group and the others just wish i could do more than one at a time...but grateful for all the wonderful friends ive made on here
grateful for running water, electricity, air conditioner, and heat when cold...didnt have that growing up..so its nice to have
grateful for my puppy and kittys that love me and keep me company
of when i have a good dream about soemone who i know truely loved me that has passed
when i get more than 1 or 2 hours sleep at night....
sure theres more...

thanks again for great post


Senior Member
Grateful for my children and my friends who get it.
For a cuppa tea
For the days I can lift the kettle
For the prayers of friends
For my Church
For our new mattress
So very very grateful that my second son is getting married to a truly wonderful young lady.
So much to be grateful for...


Senior Member
The smell of pine trees on my way to work.

The rest of this list would take all day to write!

I am grateful to a loving Father in Heaven for sending me valentines from heaven every day, reminding me that there is more beyond this life, and reminding me to look outwards from myself.

I just love life. Ditto everything here.


Senior Member
New Mexico
Today I'm grateful that a friend brought by a DVD for me to watch this weekend........Woodstock....3 days of peace and music. It was great!