There's no such thing as a virus that causes chronic fatigue syndrome-Natural News


Senior Member
The only reason I am drawing attention to this article is because Natural News has a large following among those interested in 'alternative medicine'.

Mike Adams, the Editor, thinks that XMRV will be used as a ploy to get people eventually vaccinated and make big profits for vaccine manufacturers whilst not being the true cause of CFS.

After reading the article you can leave comments if you so wish.:rolleyes:


Senior Member
An action point on these articles ...

I saw a couple of articles this morning, like this, which I did not choose to put in the Media Links, as those are informative media links for reference, but I think I know what the basis of this article/website is.

They are into natural health, and a big alternative health movement is anti-vaccine, and because the Cleveland Clinic site mentions HPV is spread sexually, then XMRV may be, this website is assuming this is all a hoax to have an excuse to develop another vaccine to foist on people.

Now we all know that this research has been done to help us. It has been done privately and not by the government, who owns all rights to vaccines, so the WPI has no interest in vaccines as a monetary interest.

I think for anyone wanting to take action here, keep in mind that they are assuming this is all made up for an excuse to develop yet another vaccine like HPV to foist upon people. This is the mindset of these people.

Scroll down on the Cleveland Clinic link to how XMRV and HPV can be similar. It is only talking about transmission, and in my opinion, these people are running with HPV and assuming this is all about creating a new vaccine.

I think they need to understand the WPI is not going to make a dime on a vaccine. This entire premise is just ignorance of the facts.


senior member
Concord, NH
There's no such thing as a virus that causes chronic fatigue syndrome

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

(NaturalNews) Beware, readers, when you see articles in the mainstream media claiming that a retrovirus causes Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). The stories quote new research published in the journal Science which claims that this virus -- known as XMRV -- was found in 67% of CFS sufferers but only 4% of the general population. From there, the media leaps to the wild conclusion that CFS is caused by this virus.

What you need to know is that this disinformation is laying the groundwork for a future CFS vaccine that will be pushed on the population in much the same way as HPV vaccines are now. The first step in getting the public to accept yet another vaccine is to brainwash people into thinking that yet another disease is caused by a virus. From there, it's only a matter of time before drug companies start talking about offering "treatment" in the form of a vaccine.

This is a play-by-play mirror image of the fraudulent push behind HPV vaccines. First, drug companies funded studies to "prove" that cervical cancer was caused by a virus (it actually isn't). From there, they pushed their vaccine, claiming it "saves lives" by preventing cervical cancer. Of course, we now know the cervical cancer vaccine is a pharmaceutical hoax. Even one of its own top researchers recently declared that HPV vaccines are "ineffective." (

So why is the XMRV virus found in more CFS sufferers than the general population? It's simple: People with CFS have compromised immune systems, and in this state of weakened immunity, they are unable to rid their bodies of not just XMRV, but many other viruses as well. The presence of this virus is a symptom of the disease, not the cause.

Every viral announcement is a covert push for a future vaccine
For their own protection, it's important that health consumers learn to recognize these hidden vaccine agendas when they see them. Every announcement about a virus causing some particular disease is actually a covert push for a future vaccine. That's why drug companies are busily funding all kinds of research that hopes to find (or fabricate) a viral cause for almost every major disease.

You'll see, on a regular basis, increasingly frequent news stories claiming researchers have "discovered" the virus that causes cancer, or diabetes, or Alzheimer's disease or even strokes. And then, months or years later you'll see the FDA approving some new vaccine designed to "prevent" that disease or disorder. Before long, that vaccine will be added to an ever-growing list of other vaccines already being forced onto the population, and the whole thing will be framed in the language of "public health."

This is Big Pharma's disease mongering engine hard at work. This is how they game the system and fool the masses. First, they blame a virus for a disease, then they push a vaccine as "treatment." But it's all based on junk science. There is no virus that causes CFS or even cervical cancer. In fact, it's scientifically and medically inaccurate to say there's even a virus that causes the common cold. People are exposed to these viruses all the time and they don't catch the cold. Only a person with a compromised immune system (lacking vitamin D, usually, and suffering from chronic stress) winds up showing symptoms of the cold.

The fall of the Germ Theory
The Germ Theory of disease is outmoded. Today, we know that the terrain matters more than the germ. In other words, it's what's happening with your own health that really determines whether you get the disease or not. The viruses are present all the time, just waiting for an opportunity for a weakened immune system to give them an opening. That's why halting such infections has more to do with boosting and protecting immune system health than eradicating the virus.

Read more about this in an amazing book called Good-Bye Germ Theory by Dr. William Trebing. You'll find it at (

Vaccines, of course, are based entirely on the mythology of the germ theory, a framework of belief usually credited to Louis Pasteur (1822 - 1895), from whom the term "pasteurization" is derived. But Pasteur missed the bigger picture. His friend and colleague Claude Bernard (1813 - 1878) was actually more correct when he explained that it was the internal condition of the body that determined whether disease appeared rather than the mere presence of germs. An imbalance in the body's natural state creates a vulnerability that gets exploited by an opportunistic microbe. But without the imbalance in the body, the microbes may still be present but incapable of causing problems.

A French-American microbiologist named Rene Dubos (1901-1982) agreed with the "terrain theory" of disease, stating: "Most microbial diseases are caused by organisms present in the body of a normal individual. They become the cause of disease when a disturbance arises which upsets the equilibrium of the body."

To stay in business, the pharmaceutical industry must oppose the "terrain theory" of disease and push the germ theory at all costs: The entire vaccine industry depends on it. The idea is also quite seductive to many patients because it allows them to cast off any responsibility for their own health condition and blame a virus instead of their own dietary and exercise habits, for example. It's also an explanation favored by many conventional doctors because it allows them to simply prescribe a vaccine or an antibiotic instead of engaging in the far more detailed task of teaching patients how to make healthier lifestyle choices.

To this day, by the way, the pharmaceutical industry continues to try to find a microbiological cause for cancer. The whole point of this is to develop an "anti-cancer vaccine" and promote it as a cancer cure.

But the germ theory doesn't explain cancer... or CFS or any other degenerative disease. And those who promote the germ theory for such conditions are unwittingly playing right into the hands of the pharmaceutical industry.

Sources for this story include:


Senior Member
Perhaps it would help if people politely presented some facts and links to refute this man's false assertions.


Senior Member

I subscribe to this newletter and it does have alot of good info although some of his conspiracy theories make me a little uncomfortable. I think he spotted that word vaccine and went for it without knowing the whole story behind CFS. This is what I said,

Quote from Mike: "So why is the XMRV virus found in more CFS sufferers than the general population? It's simple: People with CFS have compromised immune systems, and in this state of weakened immunity, they are unable to rid their bodies of not just XMRV, but many other viruses as well. The presence of this virus is a symptom of the disease, not the cause."

There is no doubt this may turn out to be the case but there is nothing simple about it. This discovery has nothing to do with big pharma. The discovery of XMRV in CFS was found because a mom wanted to find a cure for her daughter who has had CFS since she was twelve. This is a huge discovery and to totally dismiss the real story here and skip directly to a vaccine story that hasn't even happened yet is disrespectful to every person and family who has had to suffer with this disease.

I have my own reservations about vaccines and I beleive my own children were hurt by them but you are reporting a story that hasn't even happened yet. This is a huge discovery and we should give credit to the Whittmore Peterson Institute for making a discovery, before there doors were even open, that the government couldn't or wouldn't do in over two decades.

The real story here is the governments abuse of the patients with CFS for over two decades. My hope is that it will lead to treatment for my CFS and prevent CFS in my children and grandchildren".


Senior Member
Olympic Peninsula, Washington
Well said

When I first read your post, I didn't see that the last 3 paragraphs weren't part of the quoted piece and I thought, "Actually, this guy seems like he really knows what's going on." Then I figured out that was your response, and it's excellent!

One thing that strikes me about all of the articles and pieces published by all sorts of practitioners speaking out on CFS and XMRV is how, while they are questioning the causal relationship with XMRV (which I think is prudent), almost all state something like that we have "compromised" or dysfunctional immune systems. Now, this isn't news to people suffering from CFS, but I've never met a doctor who was willing to treat me for compromised immune function and I've never felt that it was accepted or agreed upon in the medical community at all.

Proof or disproof of causation is a ways off I think, but I hope that, in the meantime, many docs go on record as stating just how serious the illness is and speak specifically to the physiological abnormalities with CFS patients. This will be a huge advance in public and patient knowledge while we see how XMRV plays out.
Vaccine excuse?

Thanks for posting that, gg.

I had a bad feeling when I first saw how much excitement there was in the Fibro forums - not just this one - about MXRV.

Then, when I read the research, that feeling increased:
- the small numbers should not have even led to an announcement
- the control group was only SEVEN people *
- the sick group was not a general population of people with CFS, but a specific population from one place, just like the famous "Incline Valley Incident" [which never amounted to anything, did it?]

But mostly, that the doctors conveniently had an "allready approved drug" to give the patients who tested positive for either active virus or antibodies.

I would not doubt that they will start talking about preventitive vaccinations... even before they start looking for a cure for the existing CFS population, and even before they prove that MXRV causes CFS. Big Pharma doesn't use the words "cause" and "cure".

* Question: doesn't everybody have antibodies from the many harmless retroviruses out there? Maybe the research meant to say "they didn't find MXRV antibodies" [but it didn't say that].

I should temper my cynicism by saying something nice so as not to dash people's hopes... because so many CFS people have such high hopes for MXRV leading to a cure... but I think my duty here is to warn people about getting their hopes up.

This is Big Pharma's disease mongering engine hard at work.


You should expect folks, from PhD's to natural health advocates, trying to hold onto their shingle and their commercial base to be upset about this. That's all. Just ignore it.


Senior Member
Look at his sources!

Just look at Mike Adams sources for this story. Wikipedia! This guy knows nothing about CFS and has no business writing about it.

FYI: Another thread on this newletter was started under advocacy.


Ignore It

My advice is to ignore conspiracy theorist nonsense like this. It's simply not worth getting worked up about.


Don't Dignify It

Perhaps it would help if people politely presented some facts and links to refute this man's false assertions.

I wouldn't even bother dignifying this conspiracy theorist nonsense with a response. It's not worth our time.

Just ignore it--I doubt that it has a wide reader base anyway.


Senior Member
Melbourne, Australia
So why is the XMRV virus found in more CFS sufferers than the general population? It's simple: People with CFS have compromised immune systems, and in this state of weakened immunity, they are unable to rid their bodies of not just XMRV, but many other viruses as well. The presence of this virus is a symptom of the disease, not the cause.

I have deliberately read little of the available news & media reports, so that I have not entered into any of the discussions & posts on the XMRV virus on this forum - I don't have the knowledge or expertise to interpret the news.

But I would suggest a wait & see attitude of just exactly where this media explosion will take us (the patients), with these debilitating chronic conditions.

It may be years before any definitive treatment is released for the general public & what works for one, may not work for another. There are just so many variables & symtoms.

You could have a 100 patients with the same disease & it may take 100 slightly different treatments (or even methods of application of the same treatment) to improve or cure a health problem.

I would also suggest that since many CFS/FM patients have multiple tests & other diagnostic procedures, it is natural that we are going to have a significant amount of knowledge of their viral overload. Healthy people don't go to the doctor & have tests (without symptoms), therefore how do we know that "xyz" % of healthy people have or haven't this virus.

Have they tested enough people to formulate reliable results?

Are any there any other influences on these results. Male or female, race or country, environment or pollutants, genetic predisposition, upbringing & peer group, diet & exercise - stress seems to be a pretty common denominator (for that matter, what about personality types?).

How indepth was the testing? Who performed these tests?

Does anyone have any financial profit to be had from this news?

Whose to say, what percentage of healthy people have this virus which is lying dormant (or inactive)?

Why do some patients exhibit a multitude of viruses (in general) & their partners or close family members do not?

If we were to strengthen & support the immune system, could some of these patients improve (themselves) without harsh drugs or lengthy treatment regimes?

I guess there are hundreds of questions we could ask.

What is important at the current time, is the mass publicity & recognition of CFS/FM (& other related conditions) as being not just a psychological condition, but a genuine physical health condition which requires millions of dollars fed into clinical trials & research.

And many patients need both financial & community support now, not further down the track, or in 20 years time.

So I will sit on the sideline & wait.

I've had enough (in my own small way) of see sawing emotions. I don't recommend them for the mental, spirtual & physical well being, of any of us

Victoria :)


Senior Member
I wouldn't even bother dignifying this conspiracy theorist nonsense with a response. It's not worth our time.

Just ignore it--I doubt that it has a wide reader base anyway.

I agree completely! Engaging in this kind of nonsense just fuels it.

Think toddler control.




I am very anti-vaccine, and usually agree with Natural News. But the thing I think is important is that the world may actually sit up and take notice of this disease if they even THINK there is a biological basis for it. What if they change the name to XMRV Syndrome (Someone can do better I'm sure). Just the fact that CFS is getting some validation as a real disease is huge to me. Not sure if this is where to post this, but I saw this that was on GMA today, and that made me respond to your post.

Best Wishes,

PS Never posted before - hope I did that right:)


I am very anti-vaccine, and usually agree with Natural News. But in my case, I truly believe a virus is the culprit. I have no idea, based on any of this, if it is XMRV.

But the thing I think is important here is that the world may actually sit up and take notice of this disease if they even THINK there is a biological basis for it. What if they change the name to XMRV Syndrome (Someone can do better I'm sure). Just the fact that CFS is getting some validation as a real disease is huge to me. Not sure if this is where to post this, but I saw this that was on GMA today, and that made me respond to your post.

Best Wishes,

PS Never posted before - hope I did that right:)



Thanks for sending Mike a response. Well said. I have learned a lot from him, but disagree with him here as well.


.. Not sure if this is where to post this, but I saw this that was on GMA today, and that made me respond to your post.

Best Wishes,

PS Never posted before - hope I did that right:)

Thanks for posting this Joy. There's an XMRV media links thread and I'll put a copy of Dr. Donnica Moore's interview over there if no one else has already. (p.s. you posted just fine!! good to have you on board)


Senior Member

I get Mike Adams newsletter and have many concerns about vaccines as well. However, his newsletter on CFS just ticked me off. I beleive it was Aftermath who said it isn't worth it and I think he/she is right. Must let it go, must let it go. :rolleyes:

Thanks for posting this video on good morning america. That was an awsome interview. I am going to repost it so that everyone will see it. Welcome to the forum and you did do it right.:)

Jerry S

Senior Member
Wow! Dr. Donica Moore is Great!

I hadn't seen this second GMA interview with Donica Moore talking about XMRV. I think she makes an excellent spokesperson. I hope she gets more exposure.

A big thank you for posting this, jprints!


Thanks Frickly!

As a new member I am very excited that I added something you think will be appreciated! I hope it encourages others - Joy