I have a question, which may have been answered here in the past, and I'm sorry if I am duplicating a discussion that has already been covered in detail. I can't remember
Today, I had a long conversation with a biochemist who is very severely ill with ME and multiple chemical sensitivities. Her condition is so extreme that she has lived in a hut on an organic field for about fifteen years. She is extremely knowledgable and I'm really hoping that I will be able to access her written work to post on this forum. However, her interpretation is very different to that which is posted here. She does have the advantage of being, in her words, the most researched person in Europe and has a mountain of papers of medical results, which are stored in my attic at present.
I am tryng to arrange a blood draw for her as part of the UK trial. According to the biochemist, however, she maintains that most of the cases of ME are chemical poisoning and she has a bewildering array of case notes and evidence from ME and MCS specialists to prove her case. She firmly believes that XMRV will only be a co-factor and not the cause of the illness.
What I would like to know from those here who scientifically inclined, is it possible that a gamma retrovirus alone could cause us to produce severe and life-threatening reactions to chemicals? I know many of us, including me, have MCS, but is it possible that XMRV could cause us to have this reaction in the first place. ( I am confused because my illness was triggered/caused by organochlorines) My friend says, no, the toxic exposure is the cause and the infections are secondary. As a biochemist, she worked with organochlorines and organophosphates, developed ME and then severe MCS. So, which comes first: XMRV or toxic chemical exposure? Or are chemical poisoning and ME two different conditions, which produce the same symptoms?
Anyone, please?