The Truth About Cancer documentary


Senior Member
Orlando, Florida
I hope it is" politically correct" to post this. If not I assume this will be pulled. I have watched the first two episodes of the 9 part series, The Truth about Cancer. Some very brave people are unraveling the conspiracy/cover-up of the FDA, AMA, etc. on cancer treatment. Obviously, this has ramifications for others diseases such as CFS/ME as well. Shocking information here and valuable information about alternative treatments. Anyone who has had CFS/ME for any length of time knows that this "syndrome" is often overlooked by the traditional medical community and we have had to look to alternatives. Having had CFS/ME since 1984, at which time I could not even get a proper diagnosis, I can attest to that fact, however with what I know about alternatives and how the body actually works holistically, I have been able to keep myself relatively healthy, but not symptom free by any means. If you are ready to know the truth click on the link and join the movement.


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
@Zensational - I watched the first episode - it's long! - 2 hours. It has a lot of good information and then things which are unsubstantiated which would require more research, but the basic premise about medicine being basically a profit-driven enterprise and medical training focusing almost exclusively on treating with patented drugs is spot on, and also the cancer-causing properties of chemo drugs. And I know this will not be new information to most people on this board.

I kept waiting to see what the makers of the series were promoting, whether a particular treatment or facility, but so far at least they don't seem to be pushing any particular treatment.

I read a book last year which detailed the origins of the AMA and the connection with Rockefellers and international chemical businesses and how they helped formulate and control the medical school curriculum because of their huge donations and this is touched on briefly in the film.

Maybe we're actually fortunate that Big Pharma hasn't really taken an active interest in us (yet) ...


Senior Member
I've got no idea about this topic myself, but have been seeing a lot of criticism of this series for making inaccurate claims. I'd advise people try to take the time to look carefully at the evidence rather than just trusting the claims being made.


Senior Member
Think I'll pass. There have been several recent cases where cancer patients used alternative therapy and all ended in tragedy.

I would think anyone who discovers a break through treatment whether "natural" or not would make big bucks/recognition, even if it couldn't be patented.



Senior Member
Think I'll pass. There have been several recent cases where cancer patients used alternative therapy and all ended in tragedy.

I would think anyone who discovers a break through treatment whether "natural" or not would make big bucks/recognition, even if it couldn't be patented.


Immunotherapy and genomics seem to be very promising areas of research --


Senior Member
Southeastern United States
And here's an opinion differing from that of several other posters: I do believe there is a cover-up, of anything non-prescription that helps the body defeat cancer. And that there is blind following of chemo and drugs, many of which have been shown in labs to both kill and grow cancer cells (both) and that in some cases the harm caused by those steps may outweigh the likelihood of their helping the problem -- too few doctors evaluate this.

Steps to help the body defeat the disease, steps that are not Rx, are being ignored by most MDs.

Do a search on the Mayo clinic web site - a respectable source for info, correct? for certain herbs, vitamin c in certain forms, and there they are: actual studies proving their effect on cancer cells.

Closed mindedness isn't going to help anyone.

Before anyone asks me for links, no, the fact that I don't have time to dig them up doesn't mean they don't exist. Ok, I'm done.


Senior Member
And here's an opinion differing from that of several other posters: I do believe there is a cover-up, of anything non-prescription that helps the body defeat cancer. And that there is blind following of chemo and drugs, many of which have been shown in labs to both kill and grow cancer cells (both) and that in some cases the harm caused by those steps may outweigh the likelihood of their helping the problem -- too few doctors evaluate this.

Steps to help the body defeat the disease, steps that are not Rx, are being ignored by most MDs.

Do a search on the Mayo clinic web site - a respectable source for info, correct? for certain herbs, vitamin c in certain forms, and there they are: actual studies proving their effect on cancer cells.

Closed mindedness isn't going to help anyone.

Before anyone asks me for links, no, the fact that I don't have time to dig them up doesn't mean they don't exist. Ok, I'm done.

It's not close minded to have a different opinion.

As far as cancer research goes, most of the studies relating to herbs etc are done via cancer cells in petrie dishes and don't apply to the human body due to dosing, metabolism etc. There are some very effective cancer treatments that are derived from plants.

If there was a cover up, it would have to be world-wide with Big Pharma USA controlling all independent research companies, all independent researchers in Universities worldwide. Maybe this all just a ploy of Big Altie to get people to buy into unproven and in this case many bogus treatments that lead to death from not getting the treatment you need.

For example:

Steve Jobs 'regretted trying to beat cancer with alternative medicine for so long' --

I prefer both modes -- using meds with adjuvent alternative therapies to help improve the over-all health status of the body.


Senior Member
Orlando, Florida
The veil is lifting and we are all waking up each at our own pace and that is okay. It can be shocking, even saddening when we realize what has been going on in our own government. I love my country and I think that Americans are some of the most loving, generous people on the planet, we've just been lulled to sleep. Fluoride in our water and toothpaste is part of the dumbing down process. They used Fluoride in Nazi Germany to keep the prisoners docile. Fluoride calcifies the pineal gland over time and the pineal gland is the gateway to higher consciousness. Read about it.
Many people do not turn to "alternatives" until very late in the game and sometimes that is too late.
Respectfully, there is room for everyone to be exactly where they are on this topic. I would never try to convince someone to see things my way if they are not ready to know.


Senior Member
The idea that Nazi's used fluoride to make people 'docile' is a meme spread by anti-fluoride people. There is absolutely no proof of this. There are so many unfounded lies floating around the internet these days that people immediately believe. If you actually research these things without cherry-picking, you will find the real stories.


Senior Member
Orlando, Florida
The idea that Nazi's used fluoride to make people 'docile' is a meme spread by anti-fluoride people. There is absolutely no proof of this. There are so many unfounded lies floating around the internet these days that people immediately believe. If you actually research these things without cherry-picking, you will find the real stories.
Respectfully Kina, if the documentary is not for you then just don't watch it. Take what you need and leave the rest. It's just that simple.


Senior Member
San Francisco
The problem with "take what you need and leave the rest" is that there are lots of scams out there, most of them wrapped up in appealing philosophies. Detoxing, for example, is simple to understand, but it's hard to find out what toxins you are actually getting rid of.

Studying and understanding the science behind the human body is dfficult and takes years of education.


Senior Member
Respectfully Kina, if the documentary is not for you then just don't watch it. Take what you need and leave the rest. It's just that simple.

If I see something erroneous on the internet that I have previously learned about through research re: the history of fluoride, I would think that some might want to know that the information that is being provided is erroneous. It's the way information is exchanged and people learn. :) I actually appreciate it when members give an alternate opinion because it adds to my knowledge in some way.


Senior Member
If I see something erroneous on the internet that I have previously learned about through research re: the history of fluoride, I would think that some might want to know that the information that is being provided is erroneous. It's the way information is exchanged and people learn.

that sounds like a genuinely respectful way to behave.