The Puzzle Solver, by Tracie White with Ron Davis


Senior Member
got it today, read half ... I want to keep going but have to try wake up at normal people hours. The release of the book and everything else thats going on lately is motivating me to try and seek official diagnosis, I'm in the UK you see.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
I also listened to all of it today, via audible. I signed up for a free trial and you get 1 credit to spend on a book. The book is called Waiting for Superman on the uk store as an earlier user commented. I then canceled my subscription when I was done. This should bump up sales / viewership of the book without costing anything to yourselves.

It was a good listen, interesting hearing about Rons early life and how he came to be a top researcher. Interesting to hear about Whitneys life pre CFS also. Tracey (White?) is a good writer as I was never bored whilst listening.


Senior Member
Melbourne , Australia
I will get it ASAP but am waiting because it seems the Audible (audiobook version) edition is not flagged to be purchased in Australia which might mean some other non American regions are off as well ?

when its available here myself and a handful of friends plus some of my own fam are waiting to buy ;)