Absolutely sickening ! - will the Wesselys/Whites/Sharpes/Chalders of this world keep out of things they so clearly do not understand.
They DO understand: the fat profits from lies, falsehoods and bullshit that goes along with the Governments' and insurance companies' greedy, stupid, suicidally selfish interests!
Great way to make a living, eh? Make up any old stuff you want, as it doesn't need to be supported by empircal science.
note as I've said before how many varied medical groups, "Quangos", committees, corporate officer positions etc most of these bozo bastards have. It's corruption of the most vile sort, plain and simple.
With a stroke of a pen you can have millions of sick people made "not sick", and thus, not able to claim insurance or benefits...and let an PANDEMIC continue to spread.
A very large proportion of Psychiatry today is a SHAM, see the DSM-5 crap, in that case they're in bed with the pharma corporations though, to make a mockery of medical science so they can prescribe drugs to folk who should not be given them.
Unfreaking believable how low, venal and stupid it's gotten! whole damn profession needs DESTROYED and half of them jailed!
My sympathy and respect to the decent psychiatrists, but it's about time you OPEN YOUR GAWD DAMNED MOUTHS IN PUBLIC ON THESE ISSUES, or you'll be judged as lily-livered bastards who let "mass murder by neglect" go unchecked, and those who are activley doing this abuse to patients across the world should be put on trial by the International Criminal Court as a Crime Against Humanity for that horror: MILLIONS abused and left to rot and die and their blood is on the hands of these sons of bitches.
"All it takes for evil to flourish, is for good men to do nothing!"
/rant mode off