This has to be one of the stupidest ME/CFS psychobabble pieces I've ever read. Not just because it's wrong, but because Live Landmark does a shockingly good job of undermining her own position.
She starts by stating the biological viewpoint for causation. Bad move, psychobabbler! Now her audience has an alternative framework in mind which makes a helluva lot more sense than what she very vaguely and sloppily proposes
Then she describes ME patients too sympathetically, as being both desperate and stigmatized. She proceeds to do quite a bit of the stigmatizing herself, by opposing medical treatment, biological research, and online patient support communities. She's really looking like a dick at this point
And she provides us with a decent summary of pacing. Patients reading her crap will now know that it exists, and probably figure it's worth a try after being put off the author's own bizarre assertions
She makes it sound like pretty much everyone except herself and a few study authors are in the biological camp. Patients, clinicians, researchers, and even government authorities are all specifically mentioned, and apparently on the same side! Camp LP Quack is starting to look a little lonely
Now she provides her proof that psych therapies are the cure ... surely it's all over for the rest of at this point! But no, it's just the PACE trial, which showed no objective improvements resulting from CBT, and sure as hell didn't show anyone actually recovering. So her only support for her psychological hypothesis is a widely discredited trial, which actually showed that CBT is a failure. It's not going to look good when someone publishes a response pointing out her major errors in that regard
And finally she takes the IOM report very badly out of context. Not a "classic" mental disorder, and still cured with CBT? The IOM completely refuted the concept of it being anything except a biological illness, and have stated so plainly and repeatedly. But it's very kind of her to lead people to a document which so blatantly contradicts her
Anyhow, most readers will be at least skeptical of her claims, due to the manner in which she presents them. She comes off looking like a raving paranoid loner, actually ... does LP claim to cure that too?