Polio *is* bad, but it's not anything like the same class of horror and massive societal damage as smallpox.
Smallpox could bring civilization to its knees in worst case scenario, and certainly could bring chaos and mega deaths worldwide, ergo, it is was worth extensive even forceful vaccination.
Anything less severe, the ends do not justify the means.
ie using "herd immunity" as excuse to plaster the population with vaccines, by coercion, as opposed to letting folk make their mind up, or where specific high risks might occur.
for example, many trades it's an extremely good idea to get a tetanus shot and update as need.
but one of the vaccines Big Pharma has been touting to get pushed onto infants is of little real benefit vs risk in the West where kids have clean water/food etc.
and there are VAST areas we simply do not understand, never mind the lies that will always come with Big Business/government collusion.
e.g. is vaccination, in the long run, good for Human health? (I'm talking centuries, millennia ahead)
innoculation is not the same as natural infection
vaccine strains are used for far too long, after they have changed in the wild, but every new update runs new risks.
it's a subject that should be treated with extreme care and without political bull****, or corruption for money being issues.
We Humans, in groups, have incredibly short sighted outlooks :/
what the SOBs have overlooked in their arrogance, is that for every vaccination, same as any use of potent drug, their is risk of adverse reaction.
More you do this, specially with different drugs/vaccine strains, the odds will eventually fall against you.
so they should be saved for serious risk...but where that risk vs benefit "line" exactly is...I genuinely don't know, except in extremes.
vaccines are life savers, but they are not without risk and the contemptible way they are treated as totally safe, when they mostly certainly are not
decision should be left ot the patient to decide, short of extreme scenario.
forcing folk to undergo medical procedure without *enormous* danger, is itself, enormously dangerous and guaranteed to be abused, as we know all too well....
my 2 cents