* You could try putting the tab between your cheek and gum. I find the upper area off to the side easier instead of directly under the tongue.
* There is another methyl B product Freddd refers to, Enzymatic Therapy methyl B12.
* You may also want to question why you are not absorbing, such as lack of saliva.
Basically, xerostomia can be caused by excessive clearance (such as by excessive breathing through the mouth), or it may be caused by insufficient production of saliva (called hyposalivation).
Hyposalivation, in turn, may be a sign of an underlying disease, such as Sjgren's syndrome, poorly controlled diabetes, or Lambert-Eaton syndrome, but this is not always the case.
Other causes of insufficient saliva production include anxiety, medications, or the consumption of alcoholic beverages, smoking marijuana, physical trauma to the salivary glands or their ducts or nerves, dehydration caused by lack of sufficient fluids, previous radiation therapy, and also a natural result of aging.