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The Hanson (Bell?) XMRV Study


Senior Member
Long Beach, CA
Is there any actualy news of results, or are people just hoping for the best here?

It could be he was planning to tour with positive results, and called it off when they came back negative... who knows?

If you're talking about this study, no results yet. The study hasn't been conducted yet, it's just now been funded. I wouldn't say I'm "hoping for the best"; for me the good news is that they are intending to study these things, and that they will be studying the Lyndonville cohort. I'm happy that real research is being funded. I don't expect results for a couple of years, at least.


Senior Member
Long Beach, CA
Who is Maureen Hanson?

So, does anyone know anything about Maureen R Hanson? I just looked up her faculty info page at Cornell. She's a molecular biochemist whose area of interest is primarily plant genetics. I'm wondering what her interest in this research is, and how her expertise applies to ME/CFS or retrovirology.

Do we know for a fact that Dr Bell is some way involved? I agree that it certainly sounds like his patient cohort.


Senior Member
East Coast city, USA
Well, Maureen Hanson hosted Judy Mikovits at Cornell for a seminar on XMRV in ME/CFS:


Cornell also advertised for a research associate in January for what looks like this project. The position has been fillled. Note that the WPI was to be involved -- hope that's still the case. A little shudder-inducing is William Reeves name next to the comment announcing it (the original posting is gone):


Dr. Hanson also offered a spring course on XMRV and ME/CFS:



senior member
Concord, NH
Hmm, I wonder if I am part of this study? Not really sure, I was never in that area until recently for disability testing and part of an NIH study. Diagnosed with CFIDS/CFS in 2005. Ill in May of 2003 by Mono, never recovered.
