Ross Athene and all H2S update
Thanks you guys for the great info. I'm sorry your bacterial infex are so bad, Athene. Ross, that's awesome you got better. Maybe it was a healing crisis
Yesterday, I had a darkfield microscope analysis done by an MD. Hardly any pathogens or fungus (I take diflucan and nystatin and antibiotics and valtrex), but the signs of a bad bacterial and/or fungal overgrowth in the bowel.
I already knew that, but it's good to have it verified. My H2S was strong positive.
I took a week's worth of xifaxan ($238). It didn't help much. I've been trying to stick to caveman eating, only my cavemen are in France, where they have chocolate. I went back on equilibrant, which helps my gut symptoms but causes autoimmune, so I'm only taking 1/2 per day.
The big thing is, a hair analysis showed I was low on 9 minerals, and a blood test showed I was low on protein, which I eat 3 times a day! So it has to be low stomach acid. I wonder how many of us have this.
Acidophilus means "acid-loving," so when we are low on acid, it makes it hard for the good guys to stick around. I've been taking a very pricey probiotic, and it's been wasted! Plus low minerals means all kinds of biochem pathways don't work right.
For treatment, I'm taking slippery elm on an empty stomach to help heal the inside of the stomach. DGL works too but gave me side effects, and I can't take much licorice root as my BP goes high.
Then with meals and mid-morning when I take minerals, I'm taking one HCL Pepsin. As soon as it gets here, I'll be taking PepZinGl, which is zinc carnosine and some other stuff and it sounds great from the reviews, really helps heal the stomach.
I can tell a difference in my symptoms already. (stinkiness much better

) I am mad that I've been wasting so many supplements, but hey, at least I'm onto it now. They symptoms for low stomach acid are very similar to high stomach acid, so anyone who's been prescribed acid-blockers, beware of this possibility.
Sorry I can't organize my thoughts, I am fried. Thanks for the information about Dr KdM, I am a fan.