The Fight is on...Imperial College XMRV Study


Senior Member
OT George (of the four legs) makes me feel better (which is good because I feel gutted just now over this - it will pass) every time I check this thread. Thank you George! Good beast!


Senior Member
I'm a bit surprised Wesseley's so publicly involved.

I was expecting some results like this though. We'll just have to wait and see with the rest of the replications.

edit: Bwah-ha-ha-ha!! The power is mine! I can edit whenever I want!!!


Senior Member
The study is being published tomorrow.

This comment:

Professor Myra McClure, one of the Imperial College London investigators, said: "We are confident that our results show there is no link between XMRV and chronic fatigue syndrome, at least in the UK."

is an overstatement to say the least.


Wags Tail

OT George (of the four legs) makes me feel better (which is good because I feel gutted just now over this - it will pass) every time I check this thread. Thank you George! Good beast!

Woof! Woof! (grins and drools)


Wessely strikes back.

"Research" using the Oxford criteria to select patients is not research, it's smoke and mirrors.


Hey Koan, yeah I apologise about that, I was only copying the BBC article title but after pressing "post" I thought it could be considered inflammatory. I'm afraid I can't edit the title for some reason so if a mod could change it that'd be great.

Elliot, I would be happy to change it for you. What would you like it to read?

(And welcome to the forums!)

ETA: Elliot, there are 2 more discussions about this that were started . I've decided to merge them all together so that no one gets confused.


Veteran by now
Hi boys 'n gals,

The dear CBT professor in The netherlands (Nijmegen) also stated back in October he would do his own research to xmrv and kinda also predicted it would be negative and how we should not get ahead of ourselves etc, because else patients would go to their doctors and say 'hey, i have a virus and i don't want cbt no more',while (yes in october 2009) according to the professor cbt was obviously the only proven therapy... yes, really.

We have to wait for the proper studies to come out and indeed - be published in proper magazines. It's very unfortunate to see how eager the BBC was on this one!
We can't get discouraged just based on this.



Hey Elliot welcome to the boards, come on over to the "fight is on" and join in the debate.
Leicestershire, England.
Elliot, I would be happy to change it for you. What would you like it to read?

(And welcome to the forums!)

Thankyou very much :) I've been a lurker since the xmrv discovery :p
Erm whatever you would deem to be the best really, I'm a little zonked out at the moment so feel free to chose a more acceptable title if that's alright. :)

Dr. Yes

Shame on You
Mr. Fry, Koan...

I wouldn't get too downhearted about this, given the source... Though it certainly doesn't help from a PR perspective. That, I would guess, was the intent behind the early press release (they haven't published these findings yet, as far as I can tell from looking at the PloS Journal site). Wessely is no doubt delighted by the results. I suppose it is disquieting that he feels confident enough to be listed as a co-author in an early release. But given his history I would not be surprised if the cohort selection is far from what the WPI used... I assume any research he was involved in would use the Oxford criteria...

I was unaware that Imperial College, let alone Wessely, was going to be involved in any replication studies. Anybody hear about this one beforehand? (Too fried to check the Replication Studies thread just now..)

I do think some people have been putting a little too much hope in the XMRV thing (and believe me I understand why), but for the record we knew there would be some early studies that would find little or nothing (especially those that use the wrong criteria), so this was expected.


Aristocrat Extraordinaire
Remember folks, this is what Wessely is seeking to preserve:

Leicestershire, England.
Apologies for not seeing this thread! Got to love the brain fog.
I thought the general idea for the replication was to use the fukuda/canadian criteria, it seems they have used the oxford criteria which is very broad and vague? Will read through the rest of the thread now, cheers for merging the two.


There were 3 threads (not surprisingly) started on this news. I've merged them all into this one as this is where the discussion seemed to be happening. Carry on...


THis isn't like Elaine DeFreitas' research where there was only dissenting study and the door was closed.

There are so many groups looking into this. If WPI was wrong about XRMV we need to know, definitely ! But one little study (done with who knows what criteria) is not enough evidence to draw any conclusions.

If you're discouraged don't give up hope.


Gotta Laugh

This is great I can hang out on the boards and watch T.V. too.

Who brought PopCorn (wag, wag)

Yeah, I can't wait to see how this was done. It doesn't look like they used a control group.
I want the dern paper!!!!!!!!!!


There were 3 threads (not surprisingly) started on this news. I've merged them all into this one as this is where the discussion seemed to be happening. Carry on...

Kim Rocks!


Senior Member
Kim does, indeed, rock!

Elliot, no worries, no matter what we do, Kim fixes things. If you get stressed, just gaze into George's eyes.

DrYes, et al, ARGH!


Mr. Fry, Koan...

I wouldn't get too downhearted about this, given the source... Though it certainly doesn't help from a PR perspective. That, I would guess, was the intent behind the early press release (they haven't published these findings yet, as far as I can tell from looking at the PloS Journal site). Wessely is no doubt delighted by the results. I suppose it is disquieting that he feels confident enough to be listed as a co-author in an early release. But given his history I would not be surprised if the cohort selection is far from what the WPI used... I assume any research he was involved in would use the Oxford criteria...

I was unaware that Imperial College, let alone Wessely, was going to be involved in any replication studies. Anybody hear about this one beforehand? (Too fried to check the Replication Studies thread just now..)

I do think some people have been putting a little too much hope in the XMRV thing (and believe me I understand why), but for the record we knew there would be some early studies that would find little or nothing (especially those that use the wrong criteria), so this was expected.

No this wasn't in any of the lists of Known replication studies here or on other sites. I want to see the science.