What CBT is used for and when:
As anyone who is in the healthcare profession will tell you, CBT may be useful and is designed for people who have dysfunctional illness beliefs.
Cogntiive Behavioural Therapy.
Cognitive = the way we think and process 'data'
Behavioural = the way we act and carry out 'tasks' both alone and in groups
Therapy = process of carrying out the new changed set of rules. The core plan.
Cognition is directly linked to behaviour: we act upon our thoughts. CBT 'works' on the premise our misplaced thoughts alter our behaviour. CBT can only be used effectively on a behavioural issue and not a biological one. Psychology affects biology, both positive and negatively. Psychology is not the cause of pure biological illness, and not the cause of CFS.
CBT is a tool. If your mental cognition is already optimised, CBT will not produce any lasting functional gains in ANY illness that limits functioning. CBT is entirely unhelpful for those who think normally (conventionally), or conversely equally unhelpful for people who will not engage with CBT and the benefit it may bring.
Misplaced 'faulty' thinking can and does often affect those with chronic illnesses, CFS included. This is what CBT is apparently only used for in CFS by the outsider who is not aware of CFS politics and how politics has seduced medicine and covered it's eyes with dollars.
Example of benefits of CBT for biological illness/disease:
Some people after suffering an MI (heart attack) may believe they are in great danger of a repeat event and restrict themselves from all activity. This has physical, mental and social negative affects. The person who is terrified of another potentially fatal MI may stop everything and refuse to go far from a hospital or from a place of safety. (e.g. the home). This could lead to...........
* Further deconditioned heart (that is already permenantly weakened) by avoiding all exercise/walking
* Anxiety, significant risk of agoraphobia in some
* Social exclusion, lack of contact with people who 'want to go out'.
* Relationship breakdown etc.
CBT in this situation could be helpful. (NB: Benefits are never predicatable like a medication).
Lets look at a 'controlling' situation that is not based on sudden damage, or sudden onset of fear of death. E.g. Diabetes. Some people with diabetes become incredibly depressed over the requirement of undertaking an insulin regimen once diagnosed. Again, this has physical, mental and social affects. Same with Asthma. Some continue to smoke with asthma and have many unnecessary attacks taking themselves out of work or the home and into the misery of hospitals. In some ways, this is self destructive.
In these situations CBT may be helpful if this brings positive changes to the person.
Anyone who states (especially psychologists/psychiatrists) that they don't believe you are mentally ill if they are suggesting CBT to you as a CFS patient, is a liar. CBT requires mental illness to positively affect your behaviour. Yes CBT is used in physical biological illnesses/diseases as described above, but only for people who cannot successfully 'think'.
Sit down with a diagnosis of MS, and you will not be offered CBT by your doctor.
Sit down with a diagnosis of Parkinson's disease and you will not be offered CBT by your doctor.
Sit down with a diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis and you will not be offered CBT by your doctor.
CBT is a therapy for people with mental illness issues who are damaging their lives either subconsiously or willingly.
Sit down with a diagnosis of CFS and you will be offered CBT by your doctor!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why? Because of politics. Not because of what CFS is.
The issue for CBT then in CFS, is how it is metered out. This is a very very important point that cannot be stressed enough.
The history of the faulty 'one size fits all' use of CBT in CFS.
What is UNIQUE in the CFS scope of things, is CBT is proposed by psychiatrists as a UNIVERSAL TOOL OF MANAGEMENT in CFS patients. Psychiatrists and undeducated medics etc believe CFS is a dysfunctional illness belief and all cases of CFS are the same. This comes from medics own faulty illness beliefs, ironically these are the people who need CBT themselves. Prejudiced, bigotted and biased people sadly maintain ill feeling towards people with CFS.
When these people are doctors themselves, this becomes dangerous. Astounding 'cures' of 70%+ for severe CFS patients are produced as 'evidence based medicine' by psychiatrists. Read the papers, read the criteria used, read the drop out rate, and read the length of time the CFS patient functions at a sustained level at it is clear that the miracles of CBT in CFS are pseudo scientific research written by bigots, read by bigots, produced for bigots.
There are never miracles in CBT in any biological/organic chronic disease, period. If there were, then the person (by logic and classification of having a biological/organic disease) cannot have had a bioloical organic disease. This is forgotten by psychiatrists and supporters of the psychiatric view of CFS, because it de-legitimizes their findings. These folk who suggest 'CBT for all CFS' as a way to 'treat' CFS believe CFS is a life-style choice, and CFS is learnt response, a form of avoidance of activity and responsibility.
This is why, unlike people with Asthma, Diabetes, Heart Disease or any other serious chronic health issue, in CFS, CBT is recommended UNIVERSALLY.
Not only is this inappropriate, it is insulting for the person with CFS, who often has entirely normal cognition and does not need CBT. (Rates of depression in CFS are no higher than MS. MS patients are not universally given CBT at all, only for people who need it). Indeed, no other chronic neuro immune illness has CBT recommended as a 'cure' or as a management strategy other than CFS.
This cannot be ignored:
It is critical that medical professionals/friends/family who know a person with CFS who are uneducated on CFS are aware of this fact when innocently recommending CBT most probably when reading the CDC website on CFS management and treatment protocols.
Outside the 'unique' situation of the much maligned and neglected group of CFS patients, CBT is always metered out in clinic on a case by case basis. This is done by talking to the patient and enquiring about their barriers to activity and ability. A person attending a health psychology course for clinical obesity with a bad attitude who uses CBT may have some benefits if the 'new' mindset created by challenging automatic negative thoughts is sustained over time.
A person wtih CFS who is mostly a positive person who endures severe unrelenting muscle pain at rest and severe disablement, yet manages not to take large amounts of pain killers, rarely complains, and 'paces' their life (we all pace, it's common sense) does not need CBT. CBT will force these CFS patients to ignore physical symptoms and within time, they will relapse. Some will not recover. In extreme cases (if attending a gym and forcing their body), they may die if CBT is used in combination with exercise.
NB: For graded exercise to be used effectively in CFS, it must be used in combination with CBT. The CBT creates the new mindset, and effectively 'programmes' one's brain to ignore the pain, shortness of breath, dizzyness etc a CFS person will experience when going to a gym. If successful, a programme of graduated activity and CBT works in people who are mentally ill and misdiagnosed with CFS. Within months, their CFS symptoms often vanish and they are back at work and they do not relapse!!!!!!
What is wrong, is the views of people who believe this would work for people with genuine CFS, who have an underlying neuro immune disorder. It cannot possibly work. If so, why do the CDC recommended it? It's obvious why. To make the 'failed' CFS people on CBT the fakes, and the cured (fake) CFS patients the hero's who really 'try hard' and 'apply' themselves. (We've all seen the victory websites on the Internet of 'beating' CFS, a fine accomplishment in an incurable disease that has no treatment).
CFS is 'presumed' by the CDC and other groups to be linked to deranged beliefs. There is simply no evidence that CBT works in people with neuro immune disease and increased activity can be sustained without relapse. There is some evidence CFS patients are willing to be compliant to suggestion and temporarily increase activity levels.
In CFS, the underlying immune disorder will eventually (if not in days/weeks but months) lead to a relapse in the illness. This is what separates pathology with psychopathology. CBT is brain washing, we all know that. One can brain wash one's self in a positive matter to cope. CBT enables us to cope, when we cannot cope. Yet there is a limit on it's safety and it's point of insertion into a persons life with ANY chronic illness. If we are going to brain wash our population in medical circles, it must be under consent from the patient, and because the patient is interested and agrees they 'think' dysfunctionally. Sadly, the average long term CFS patient is easily manipulated and co-erced into treatment they do not wish to do, to 'please' the practioner and to not be labelled as mentally ill by refusal to comply.
This must be stopped.
Universal CBT for all, will never work and in people who are submissive and desperate to please, will only harm people as they will do far too much. The long term benefits of CFS in people with proven classic CFS abnormalities do not exist. The harmful biological effects of CBT forcing CFS patient to exert themselves do exist.
We know from research activity in CFS causes some very nasty things to happen to the human body:
Increased inflammation via Cytokines/Chemokines
Increased Oxidative stress
Gene changes
Hypoperfusion to the brain stem
Increased lactate[
People with CFS who feel very ill at rest, who are forced to do increased activity (via CBT) are therefore harmed to make them (allegedly) better. Yet none of the above is 'better', but actually worse. 'Success' using CBT for CFS are in people who meet only psychiatric CFS criteria who's CFS includes the mentally ill and for people without the classic immune symptoms and post exertional malaise. Include these people in any CBT trial, the 'success' rates drop from 30%+ of temporary increased activity to far lower. (Post exertional malaise and crashing with latent response, is the defining feature of CFS. Take this out, and CFS is no longer unique).
CBT is a powerful tool:
I can use CBT and convince a diabetic to eat more carbohydrate food.
I can use CBT and convince an asthmatic to work in a dust laden paper mill.
I can use CBT and convince a heart attack survivor to take up athletics.
The question is, is it moral I do this and is it appropriate for the person I do it too?
As activity in CFS is shown to induce inflammatory responses that make pain worse, that induce relapse and other distressing symptoms, CBT in CFS is only appropriate for a sub-group of CFS patients who are in ownership of dysfunctional beliefs about their CFS and who could do much more if they actually did do much more. What is the true percentage of this small group? No one knows. This is only a low percentage of people with CFS, and to suggest we ALL need CBT is as previously explained offensive to most and equally damaging.
An Asthmatic having constant asthma attacks in a paper mill may well be more 'productive', well may be less of a tax burden, but they are also suffering. Equally so a CFS patient who is in terrible pain from ignoring the physical symptoms who relapses (eventually) from increased activity and who waits months or years to get back to where they were because of CBT is also suffering.
CFS is defined by unstable, unpredictable, and un stoppable relapses in physical functioning from viruses/infections, from 'stress' and from activity. This is no different to Lupus. No Lupus patient will be told 'people like you' benefit from CBT'. No they don't. The same should apply for people with CFS. It's never, 'people like us', as we are all individuals.
We don't become a world united group of dysfunctionally thinking CFS patients, because people with vested interests who deny CFS affects people with neuro immune disease say we are. Some people who aren't optimising mental clarity and life choices benefit from CBT with ANY disease, not just CFS. Yet are already mentioned, CBT is recommended as a way to 'get better' from CFS to ALL sufferers which is simply not true.
If stereotypes guide medical management, then racism/sexism/homophobia etc are all great and we should introduce these into the medical profession also. Maybe not though....... Yet prejudiced views about people with CFS remains and CBT 'for all' - remains too.
Which must stop.
This where the CDC and other groups are very mistaken and 'dial a CBT' for their patient (instead of a pizza) when actually, very few of us ordered up CBT at all, but are being presented it on a plate as if it's our finest meal we could be served and we should all be terribly grateful or people trying to help.
Err, no.
People in helping professions know this, and also can detect quite accurately who CBT may help. Let me make that perfectly clear. People who still (after decades of bio medical research findings in CFS) demand that CBT is on the menu for ALL people with CFS, and that it reduces symptoms long term, are delluded and should consider CBT themselves to train out their own unhelpful beliefs. The use of CBT must always be appropriate. Inappropriate therepeutic intervention in any disease can be harmful, and even fatal. That includes CFS. Anyone with CFS who undertakes CBT in combination with a graded activity programme should be able to consent to CBT and be an adult.
CFS patients may be keen to take legal action against ANY medical professional who tells the CFS patient to go against what their body is telling them, only to relapse from mildly affected to severely affected. Especially in the light of recent XMRV findings in CFS patients.
The use of CBT in persons with CFS is clearly NOT the same as in other diseases (where CBT is given only to those with dysfunctional thoughts) and this needs to change very soon before a swathe of litigation takes place for those now in wheelchairs who were functioning at a higher level, before CBT induced a permanent relapse.