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Thank you card for Ian Lipkin


Ohio, USA
Ohio, USA
Thank you Patricia Carter and Simon for starting and circulating this card. I am very happy that we can all come together and thank Dr. Lipkin. I really see this as a step forward, we won't look in this area anymore, we will look at the brain, or host response, etc.

I thought Dr. Lipkin's presentation was exactly the right balance of rigorous science, compassion for our community and compassion for the scientists involved. I'm so happy to sign this card, and want to always encourage the best science for us. :)


Senior Member
Northern California
Great idea. I also wanted to thank him, but did not want to bother him with more email.

Is he on twitter? Does anyone know the best way to tweet him thanks?



Senior Member
Monmouth, UK
Great idea. I also wanted to thank him, but did not want to bother him with more email.

Is he on twitter? Does anyone know the best way to tweet him thanks?

The card is a communal one, currently with 116 signatures, that will only get sent when finished: I don't think Ian Lipkin will mind this one thing in his inbox :) . But twitter would be good too - no idea if he is on there.


disjecta membra
Los Angeles, CA
Dr. Lipkin doesn't have a personal Twitter account as far as I can tell. Lipkin's Center for Infection and Immunity is on Twitter at

It's a biggish group and he is one of four directors, so I don't think Tweets would go directly to him. But the tweets from that account have been very interesting during this past week - sounds like someone speaking with more authority than, for instance, a junior staff member might be able to.

I think signing the card is less likely to get lost in the shuffle than a tweet or email. I signed the card.


Senior Member
Northern California
Dr. Lipkin doesn't have a personal Twitter account as far as I can tell. Lipkin's Center for Infection and Immunity is on Twitter at

It's a biggish group and he is one of four directors, so I don't think Tweets would go directly to him. But the tweets from that account have been very interesting during this past week - sounds like someone speaking with more authority than, for instance, a junior staff member might be able to.

I think signing the card is less likely to get lost in the shuffle than a tweet or email. I signed the card.

I signed the card too. Think it is a great idea. Thanks for the info about twitter,
