TH1/TH2 Testing UK


Senior Member
South East England, UK
I have been reading a very interesting book by Datis Kharrazian DHs, DC, MS called Why do I still have Thyroid Symptoms when my lab tests are normal.

He said something that really resonated with me from my own experience of dealing with thyroid and adrenal issues since 2002 (although they were apparent by 1996 at least if not before). He says that when we have an autoimmune thyroid condition like I do its called Hashimotos and majority of doctors try to treat our thyroid without addressing the REASON as to why we have this malfunction. He says it rarely works well longterm because in fact its an IMMUNE SYSTEM problem and if that isn't addressed then we don't have a chance of good improvements.

He goes on to say there are many things that can cause and affect this situation, things like viruses, bacteria, fungi, gluten, casein, heavy metals etc which will cause the overactivity in the immune system.

He says one can only be successful at getting to the bottom of what is causing and maintaining the issue (it will be individual) is if we test to find out if we are TH1 or TH2 dominant and then address this with various natural compounds and possibly drugs though he prefers natural ways.

Therefore here in the UK is there any lab that can test the various markers to see which is the most dominant issue for an individual? In the book he names the various markers which indicate TH1 dominant or TH2, things like too many natural killer and cytotoxic T cell activity will indicate TH1 dominant whereas too much B cell activity will mean one is TH2 dominant.

I would love to know if this is relatively easy to test for here in the UK and if so where could one find a doctor who would do this. I realise it probably would have to be paid for privately.

Thanks for any info.



Senior Member
I’d like to know more about this too. From my knowledge the th1/th2 dominance thing is just a theory but in the most simplistic terms those of us who catch everything going is th2 dominant and those of us who never catch anything is th1. In that case I am th1. But I dunno how much truth or real science is behind this.

What are the things he suggests we can do to address each dominance?


Senior Member
South East England, UK
What are the things he suggests we can do to address each dominance?

There are quite a number of compounds mentioned for each. I have had a busy day cos its my birthday today and several visitors so feel a bit worn out. Will type out the answers tomorrow.

I am one who catches everything going btw and my adrenals got so under functioning around Christmas time I couldn't tolerate my normal thyroid meds and my immune system absolutely plummeted so much so I have had about 6 viruses almost non stop since 14 December so I know there is a connection. Thankfully I am back at last to tolerating natural desiccated thyroid meds but at a lower dose than previous and I am feeling better at last but pretty terrified about getting the Coronavirus.



Senior Member
Some labs (in Germany) use IFN-y and IL-4 for TH1/Th2 balance.
(Usually most labs can test such Interleucine/Cytokine)

TH1 Dominance (IFN-γ ↑ up, IL-4 ↓ down)
TH2 Dominance (IFN-γ ↓ down, IL-4 ↑ up)
Certainly thats somewhat very simplified (there are some other Cytokine involved as well, depending on the Shift)
Nevertheless, testing it may be sometimes helpfull, I had upregulated TH1 + Th2 but with TH2 dominance.
Getting ridd off the TH2 dominance fixed some problems in my case.
Some labs offer for doing so, special things like IL4 inhibitory tests and so on -> this means you send some drugs to the lab and they can check if the drug would reduce the immunological shift.
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Senior Member
South East England, UK
I haven't had a chance to type up all the recommendations of the book I mentioned above. However, very similar recommendations are contained in the following article from Igennus about modulating TH1/TH2.

It is about ADHD but they link this to a dysregulated immune system -

At least it is a start but hopefully soon we can do some more research to actually see about getting tested for this because it does seem hugely important to those of us with autoimmune issues.



Senior Member
@bertiedog thanks a lot for the info. Interesting that the artIcle is about adhd. I am having some luck treating my CFS as if it were Adhd. I have symptoms of both OCD and ADHD which I am sure are all to do with my immune profile. Ritalin, which should make a non adhd person hyper and overstimulated calms and focuses me as if I had actual adhd. Great info.


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