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Testosterone, Estrogen, & Mercury Chelation


Senior Member
I am in a very weird place with supplement reactions.

I have a few theories I need to throw out there though.

So the backstory, TLDR, I have mercury toxicity, and I'm a good canary in a sense, so I think, if I eat cilantro, Nac, coriander, or even DIM (supplement) I get a specific type of pinched nerve and headache in my right shoulder/face/temple/neck. This is in the same spot I got a 6 week long migraine in 2011, doing improper chelation.

There's a post here on phoenix claiming Calcium-D-glucarate and Diindolymethane(DIM) chelate, even though I've never heard of it doing so.

Well I took one pill of DIM in april, and it gave me migraine symptoms like cilantro for 10 days, like same pinched nerve stuff. Chris Shade has a video of it explaining how it helps detox mercury.

Now today I took my third dose of Tongkat ali, a testosterone boosting herb, and surprise, I'm having the migraine/pinched nerve thing. I read up, and supposedly this stuff comes from ultra polluted jungles in Malaysia. Found a story on reddit by a guy saying he got neuropathy and totally numb arms after taking the stuff for a year, and he did Cutler's protocol afterwards to get better. So I'm freeeeaked out.

Theory 1) This is just ultra bad luck and DIM does detox mercury and Tongkat ali really is ultra toxic Coal factory runoff supplements with fraudulent lab tests (which another guy on Reddit claims is occurring, but he sells his own brand in Nootropic Depot)

Theory 2) Some sort of estrogen reducing effect is freaking my liver out and giving me really insane pinched nerve and gallbladder spasms (I get gallbladder pain all the time) Like my chronic condition and existing mercury toxicity can't handle me reducing estrogen, without it overloading my liver.

I'm so confused, and hoping this rings some bells or connects the dots for anyone.


Senior Member
I took cal-d glucarate first dose on an empty stomach, thought I got sick started to feel a cilantro side effect coming on. But then I took the next 4 days doses on a full stomach at night, and never had an issue. It lowers estrogen...some ...but by more liver detox effect...and I tolerated that all 5 days surprisingly. So strange.