Teeth Cleaning and Feeling Sick Afterward

Hi, y'all. Hope everyone is doing well. I haven't had time nor energy to visit in ages. Today, I called in sick. Yesterday, I had my teeth cleaned first thing in the morning. I then drove out to a shopping area and did my grocery shopping. All of a sudden, I felt very weak and tired. I came home and rested.

I woke today about 5:30 a.m. and had the headache from hell. I've been chilling and having nausea and diarrhea. It feels just like a Herx. I'm wondering whether the bacteria, released during the cleaning, is being killed off by my immune system and purged out of my body.

I'm wondering whether anyone else has experienced this. I'm also wondering whether I should take ABX before having a cleaning. Seems as though my own immune system is taking care of it by itself. Think next time, I'll make sure I have two days off, one for the cleaning and one to recover.

Love, Mikie


I get sick when they use the cavitron. It's very unhealthy. It cracked a tooth root of a perfectly healthy wisdom tooth once and the tooth went bad and had to be pulled but it took five months to figure out why I was in pain (and I figured it out nobody else did). Then I always said clean by hand--and that works just fine. Then last summer I was cowed into letting this hygienist use the cavitron. He was very upset at not using it and said my gums were in horrible shape and my teeth would fall out etc. I gave in and I felt sick with low grade fevers for 3 weeks. Meanwhile a friend of mine lost a tooth after a cavitron cleaning.

Don't let them use a cavitron. It damages teeth roots and stirs up way too much bacteria. Insist on a hand cleaning.


All shall be well . . .
Santa Rosa, CA
jaw pain

I just had my teeth cleaned last week and didn't have the same responses you did. But just from having my jaws open for so long has left them aching a week and a half later along with some headache that is unusual for me. I may also be having some die-off type symptoms that I hadn't connected to the cleaning. I do know that it has been really important for me to take great care of my teeth and gums. I don't think the . . . ahhhhgh . . . I can't find the word . . . I want to say atmosphere of my mouth but know that's not right . . . the only other word that comes to mind is milieu, also not right. So I'll just say taking care of my teeth and gums including professional cleaning twice a year is not a luxury but a necessity. But how to do that without aggravating other symptoms . . .
Thanks For Responding

I'm not sure I know what a cavitron is. My hygenist has one of those things I call a sand blaster but she doesn't use it on my teeth. I take really good care of them and she doesn't have all that much work to do.

So many of us react to things which don't seem to bother "normal" people. I know I'm allergic to fluoride and never get those fluoride rinses. The polish she uses doesn't contain it. Toothpaste doesn't seem to bother me but I rinse as much of it out after brushing as I can.

When I get an eye exam, the doc cannot use the eye drops with fluorescene or I get sick. Four percent of the population is allergic to it.

Well, I'm feeling a bit better this afternoon but weak from all the purging. At least, it's out of my system. Will rest for the remainder of the day as I have to be up early tomorrow for work. Fri., I have to be up early for Comcast to come out to fix or repair the DVR in my converter box. Then, I have an appt. with a new pulmonologist. Oy! It never ends.

Thanks again for your info and perspectives.

Love, Mikie


Senior Member
fungus released in the body is quite a big possibility. Also when you go to the dentist, watch out with tranquilizing by adrenaline and of course amalgan fillings...


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Teeth Cleaning Experiences

I'm not sure I know what a cavitron is.

Hi Mikie,

Mostly wanted to stop by and say hi. I don't know what a cavitron is either, but I suspect it has something to do with "supersonic" (vibratory ?) cleaning. Not sure however.

My experience with getting my teeth cleaned is that I usually feel "stimulated" for at least the rest of the day I've had it done. I usually attribute this to having all those significant teeth meridians stimulated in the process.

I usually have some dental work done afterwards, and this is what usually takes me several weeks to recover from. Part of this recovery however could be from becoming overly stimulated, and then crashing the next day. Hard saying sometimes.

All this introspection we end up doing. :eek: OK, I guess I'll go contemplate my navel for a while now. :)

Love, Wayne

ETA I know you're not getting around to posting much these days, but just wanted to mention that it feels good just knowing you're here on this board. I always enjoy seeing your name and hearing from you, however infrequent that may be.
Dear S and Wayne

S, I also thought about fungi because I use a rescue inhaler for asthma and it contains steroids. I do rinse my mouth after using it. I've been sucking on life savers for the choking and coughing from my ace inhibitor for lowering my BP. I weaned off the beta blocker because it caused the asthma. Oy! It's a vicious cycle. Sucking on life savers could very well set the mouth up for fungi too. I see the pulmonologist tomorrow and hope to get some answers. Thanks for your perspective.

Wayne, funny you say, "stimulated." That's kinda how I felt too. Then, I crashed and then purged. I think with our problems, a lot of things cause overstimulation. It's like the sensory overload. I definitely think it can supset our neurons. Today, I had a hard time talking. I'd think one word and say another, kinda like a stroke victim. That's just the plain ole seizure activity Dr. Cheney describes. Just about anything can set it off.

Thank you so much for your kind words. I'm very glad to see you here too. I wish I could get here more often. I guess the good news is that I can't because I'm working so much. I have to rest when I'm not working in order to keep up the pace. I have, as you know, been able to do some work on my condo and it's about done. It needs a good cleaning but I'm doing a couple of paintings for the diningroom, where I removed some very ugly mirror strips. I mostly do abstracts and they are always a work in progress until I just know they are done. Those two aren't done yet.

Sooooo good talking to you again. Take care.

Love, Mikie


Down With the Sickness

I don't think the . . . ahhhhgh . . . I can't find the word . . . I want to say atmosphere of my mouth but know that's not right . . . the only other word that comes to mind is milieu, also not right. So I'll just say taking care of my teeth and gums including professional cleaning twice a year is not a luxury but a necessity. But how to do that without aggravating other symptoms . . .

Gracenote - could the word you're looking for be environment? I had to think awhile. I hope that's it!


All shall be well . . .
Santa Rosa, CA

Hi Finch,

Environment is okay, but I'm thinking more like ecosystem defined as "a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment." But is that the word one would use about one's mouth? It's a mystery.


Down With the Sickness
Yes, ecosystem was actually the first word I thought of. Now I'll have to keep thinking! I know the word you want is in there somewhere. I will obsess over it for awhile.


All shall be well . . .
Santa Rosa, CA
Looking for THE word.

There is a video online called The Ecosystem that is Your Mouth, by Floyd Dewhirst of Harvard.
The human oral cavity is a diverse habitat that contains approximately bacterial 600 predominant species. The oral microbiome is comprised of 44% named species, 12% isolates representing unnamed species, and 44% phylotypes known only from 16S rRNA based cloning studies.
So the word "ecosystem" is being used about our mouths, but it still doesn't seem like the word that I've been struggling for. A quick google brings up too much stuff, too much detail all falling in the category of "I don't really want to know at this time."

So Finch, if you come up with THE word, if there really is THE word that won't come to my mind, let me know. Otherwise, I will take my brain elsewhere and it will quickly forget that it was here.
A Rose By Any Other Name...

What I think is so great is that we all fill in the blanks when one of us can't find just the right word. We aren't the only ones. I live around a lot of older people who experience "Senior Moments." When one of us can't think of the word, the rest of us tug on our ears, like in pantomine, and say, "Sounds like?" Somehow, we manage to communicate.

A lot of times when I'm run down or can feel a little seizure activity in my brain, I'll not be able to speak because I can't get the words from my brain to my mouth or I simply can't find a word. This experience was different because I was speaking fine but substituting words for other words which weren't even close. Oy!

Love, Mikie


Senior Member
NorthEastern USA
Teeth cleaning

Once a dental hygienist used the sand blaster to clean my teeth. She was not my usual hygienist, this was the first time we met, and I asked her not to use the blaster but she put my wishes down, touted its benefits, yady, yady. She had cleaned about eight teeth when she hit an exposed nerve with the dang thing and I jumped a mile. She scolded me for jumping. That was the end of that. I refused to have her continue if she was going to use it. I refused any appointments with her in the future. My regular hygienist had been out for a bit which is why I had the other gal but my regular gal never uses it especially in patients with receding gums.

I have never had the severe symptoms you describe after a cleaning, that's quite a reaction, but have felt very tired. I chalked it up to emotional exhaustion as I hate having my teeth cleaned.

I agree with Wayne Mikie, it feels good to see your name. Hope you are feeling better.

Fondly, June
Hi, June

Thanks for the warm welcome here. I'm so glad to see you and Wayne and others from the other board. I like it so much here. Nice people!

I've had the same hygienist and dentist for 12 years, since I moved down here. She is a gentle soul with a gentle touch. When they first got the sand blaster, she used it a couple of times and I really didn't mind it. I think it takes a really skilled person to use it, which she is. Seems it was more of a novelty and she has gone back to manual cleaning and polishing except for patients with stained teeth. The sand blaster is evidently good at removing stains, which I don't have.

It may have been coincidental that I got so sick following the cleaning. Two days later, the whole purging thing returned. I'm still having a bit of it and I'm coughing and having breathing problems. We have Red Tide here now so it's really difficult to pin it all down. Also, there seems to be some kind of bug, not the flu, which is causing some of these symptoms. What can I say? I'm a mess!

I'm off today and have to wait for the cable guy. He came out to replace my HD DVR box and the one he had gotten from the warehouse didn't work either. Sooooo, he had to reschedule. If this one doesn't work, I'm going to complain to them. Because my schedule is so erratic and because I often come home from work so tired that I fall asleep watching evening TV, I like to be able to TiVo my favorite shows.

Condo needs cleaning but it probably will have to wait until Thurs. or Fri. Thurs., first thing, I'm having my breathing test at the pulmonologist. If I had to to it today, I'd likely flunk it. I'm about to go take a hit on my inhaler.

Sending you lots of hugs and prayers.

Love, Mikie


Senior Member
hey MIkie I had my teeth cleaned yesterday and last night and today feel fluish and achey, was in a good spell the last couple months or so, so can tell its correlated. have had it before. think its both the bacteria and irritates neck and head.

interestingly like you mentioned I am also allergicish to eye doc chemicals, I dont want another eye exam, messes me up for a week or more usually the last 6ish years.

am googling postdental cleaning remedies that is how I got to this old page, havent found any good ideas yet what to do after the cleaning if bacteria in body making you feel worse.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
interestingly like you mentioned I am also allergicish to eye doc chemicals, I dont want another eye exam, messes me up for a week or more usually the last 6ish years.
I react badly to the drops they use for dilation (they have epinephrine I believe). Last time I had an exam they had an alternative way to do that exam that didn't involve dilation.