Teasel Root - Experiences?


Senior Member
Ventura, CA
Looks pretty straightforward and effective. I am a huge fan of the Cowden protocol, I just use the Buhner herbs and approach myself. Cowden has a very high success rate in people getting well, regardless of specific pathogenic load.


Senior Member
I found this on teasel. See what you think. "It brings the lyme bugs out of hiding so your immune system or other antibacterial agent can kill them. If you have a good immune system you really need an antibacterial with the teasel root or else it will just flare up symptoms and make you 10 times more miserable. I learned from experience."

And an herbal can have a broader spectrum than an antibiotic when it's also antiviral and antifungal, although I don't know if teasel has those qualities.
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Not necessarily more effective. Many LLMD think you need them both….this is a very cleaver fellow, Lyme & Co.
I think in my case I have seen that herbals alone were to aggressive. ABX alone while they helped with decreasing bacterial load, it was the herbals that pushed it further. So the magic was in the combination of them, for me at least.
When you combine a smart bug with each individuals chemistry, DNA, other possible infections and viruses, age, how long they have had it, the combinations of what may or may not work are endless… and thats not including the many different types of Bartonella,& Babesia, each responding better to one ABX or another…..this is what frustrates both the patients and the docs.

I spend hours everyday on lyme forums, that have many many more participants than this little PR Lyme section. I get to read and take notes on whats working or not working for people. Abx, herbals, supplements, other esoteric treatments, and what combinations of what. What I have seen is although there seem to be a small consensus of core herbals and ABX combinations that have a reasonably good chance of working for lyme or one of the co infections, still there a quite a few who don't respond to it, or find some herb or ABX that is working for them and not for many others….Its the usual crap shoot, which everyone on PR is all too familiar with

I'm spending lots of time as well, to not let my Lyme (early stage, I beat it) go into chronic Lyme. Bartonella probably in, already.

The 2017 information especially the New York Post on Yolanda Hadid and the Will Wiegmann Protocol success found in a GoFundMe patient, imo, militates that an Alternative Medicine is the only way to go.

Many of the forums are censoring alternative medicine information -- including LymeDisease.org, despite Dr. Horowitz's 2017 lecture in the LYme conference that all protocols including Doug Coil, Rife machines, zappers, are "legit" now.