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Teaching Docs and Interpreting Tests


Senior Member
Los Angeles, USA
When I was talking with the VIPDx lab, I asked if they have a test for evaluating levels of Th1 versus Th2 in T Helper Cells. I asked this because my doctor did not see one on their list. The VIPDx rep said TH1 and TH2 is determined by looking at the levels of something else (I forget the name now), and there is a test for this something else.

This got me wondering. Even if we have a doctor who will order immune tests for us, how do we know he knows what to even look for when he reads the test. Isn't the reason we have specialists is because they are better than internists are reading tests and symptoms in their particular area. So I might end up finally getting the right tests, but I'm still missing a CFS specialist who knows what to do with them.