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Taurine - energyzing or calming amino acid?


Senior Member
I am still a bit confused about the role of taurine as there seem to be contradictory statements weather it's a calming/inhibitory amino acid or more a stimulating/excitatory one.

When I google taurine I read a lot about taurine enhancing GABA and therfore being calming.

But I am confused because my very trained doc told me it's energizing and not good for sleep. It's also a supplement in many energy drinks like Red Bull.

I tried it myself as I am very defient in taurine and did not find it to be energizing.

Any suggestions?


PR activist
It's a bit of both. It increases GABA but also dopamine. It has many effects. Probably depends on your baseline as to how it affects balance of neurotransmitters.
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perchance dreamer

Senior Member
Taurine gives me terrible insomnia. My doctor said he's the same way, but it's in so many calming and sleep products. The stimulating effect must not be common.


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
I took some for tachycardia (can't remember the dose 1000 mgs?) and it knocked me out.

What are yiu trying to achieve?


Senior Member
Taurine was strange in that it gave me breathing troubles, my chest would feel tight when I would take it for a few days in a row.

A few times I could definitely say I felt calmed and relaxed when taking it however, it definitely brought my level of tension below what I would consider my baseline when I'm experiencing particularly bad symptoms.

I always wondered if the chest/lung problems with the Taurine had something to do with poor methylation.


Senior Member
I can only speak about taurine and magnesium combined since I've only taken them together. It calmed my brain and at the same time gave me more energy (more fuel in the in tank) in good way- not overstimulating way.


Senior Member
Taurine was strange in that it gave me breathing troubles, my chest would feel tight when I would take it for a few days in a row.
I think this happens because Taurine increases insulin sensitivity, and if taken continuously by someone who doesn't have insulin resistance, it can cause sort of diabetic acidosis. I don't understand the whole biochemistry of it, but I do get extreme hypoglycemic by taking it. A good idea would be to pair it with magnesium to avoid acidosis like @Mij mentioned, but the only type of magnesium that won't give me hypoglycemia is magnesium oxide.


Senior Member
I think this happens because Taurine increases insulin sensitivity, and if taken continuously by someone who doesn't have insulin resistance, it can cause sort of diabetic acidosis. I don't understand the whole biochemistry of it, but I do get extreme hypoglycemic by taking it. A good idea would be to pair it with magnesium to avoid acidosis like @Mij mentioned, but the only type of magnesium that won't give me hypoglycemia is magnesium oxide.

Well damn, I really hope I haven't done myself some significant damage then.


Senior Member
ok if it really increases dopamine it's problably not right for me (already skyhiigh dopamine due to comt).
I am searching for calming substances as I have Problems with energy in the evening not going down. When I have a better day and felt energetically fine I can be sure I lie awake until the early wee hours. My system is not able to handle energy normally. It's like ok, the gas is functioning well sometimes, but the brakes are still out of order.

GABA does not seem to cross the blood brain barrier and only gives me strange feelings.
5htp feels stimulating instead of calming (in some subjects it stimulates acth and therfore cortisol levels.

Tryptophan and Melatonin make me really tired but I still wake up way too early, unable to get back to sleep.

I am now trying Neuro mag (Magnesium L Threonate) as it was recommended by a naturopath. But I am a bit scared by possible side effects as I am not sure if so much Magnesium in the brain (it easily crosses the barrier) is really wanted "by nature".


Senior Member
I am searching for calming substances as I have Problems with energy in the evening not going down. When I have a better day and felt energetically fine I can be sure I lie awake until the early wee hours. My system is not able to handle energy normally. It's like ok, the gas is functioning well sometimes, but the brakes are still out of order.

None of those you listed were helpful for my rest either. (Besides mb12) The only substances that consistently helped promote rest were nitric oxide boosters, such as large dose GPLC. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2006/09/060908094456.htm (requires a new analogy) See other threads on it.


Senior Member
5htp feels stimulating instead of calming (in some subjects it stimulates acth and therfore cortisol levels.

I noticed this myself, 5HTP, on top of the supplement form I had taken occasionally causing tremendous GI pain, also left me feeling the opposite of calmed. Although that could just as well be as a result of my body disliking the supplement itself.

vision blue

Senior Member
I am also taurine deficient - curious how you knew you were too.
i'm going to start a new "taurine experiences" thread since this one is nearly 3 years old.
I'd like to hear more about taurine increasing dopamine. i've never seen that anywhere and i'm also too high in dopamine to raise that.
its' in energy drinks because of its fuel to the muscles, not because its a stimulant. i'ts supposed to downregulate the sympathetic nervous system, but of course its complicated.