This is just my two cents Brown-eyes, but I would think that that
last thing that a doctor should prescribe is a stimulant like Ritalin or Adderal, when the body is shouting at us to slow down, and when the adrenals are possibly overtaxed.
And why your doctor would prescribe it for concentration problems is confounding, unless he's using the ADD, ADHD model that has so many kids overmedicated today (instead of looking at all the artificially flavored/colored frankenfoods they're eating/drinking with all the MSG, Nutrasweet, etc..).
I'm just a dumb schmoe, but I guess I would try and address the source or the cause(s) of the brain fog...which of course could be many...but others above have listed some possibilities.
The toxins (aldehydes) from candida or other infections can cause huge brain fog issues, and some people have found different types of b12/folic acid to be helpful. JanisB posted a thread on the Vinitsky protocol, that uses a specific ratio of b12/folic acid that she says has helped (so far) eliminate that overstimulated feeling for her and a few others she's in touch with.
The trace mineral 'molybdenum' helps some with brain fog, because it helps process the aldehydes from a candida/yeast/fungal infection.
Also, manganese (not magnesium, although that can be helpful for some) along with b-6 is supposed to help convert glutamate into it's cousin, 'gaba', the calming neurotransmitter.
Just my two pennies. :Retro smile: