Take your cough syrup!


Senior Member
Bay Area, California
Guafenisin is in cough syrup and some people with FMS swear by the Guaf protocol that it's made their FMS much better. It didn't help others though. We're such a mystery. But I'm not surprised to hear this.


Senior Member

does anyone know how to get noscapine besides through cough syrup?



Senior Member
This noscapine research is amazing!

For any who don't have a prostate and did not read, it is thought to have wide anti-cancer effects and may also be useful against stroke.

Amazing stuff!

Great find, Levi!


Senior Member
Cape Cod. Mass

all the things I've tried over 22 years Guiafinessin has helped me the most. Has been helpful with muscle pain and fatigue. I take 2 mucinex pills daily.


all the things I've tried over 22 years Guiafinessin has helped me the most. Has been helpful with muscle pain and fatigue. I take 2 mucinex pills daily.

Guiafinessin helps with menstrual pain, too, starting a few days before the first day of the cycle. Found this out by accident when I was taking it for a cough and had no pain during that month's period.

Guaifenesin as a Treatment for Primary Dysmenorrhea

This study suggests that guaifenesin may be a better treatment than placebo for dysmenorrhea pain and associated constitutional symptoms, weakness, faintness, and limitations of activities of daily living.

This pilot study suggests that guaifenesin is a potential low-cost, low-risk treatment modality for dysmenorrhea and could be beneficial for patients unwilling or unable to tolerate current therapies, such as oral contraceptives, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, other analgesics, or surgery. Studies to further delineate guaifenesin's benefit and, if present, its mechanism of action in the treatment of dysmenorrhea may assist a large population of women not fully treated at present and could have implications for the treatment of causes for secondary dysmenorrhea, such as endometriosis.

The mechanisms may be due to it's muscle relaxing properties &/or its ability to thin mucus. I've read that some women have even used it to help them conceive.

Quite simple, guaifenesin helps to loosen all mucus - not just that found in the bronchial tubes! The fact is that guaifenesin helps to loosen up mucus that's already there. It stands to reason, that if taken around ovulation time, it will help to loosen up the cervical mucus, making it more conducive for the sperm to move through.


For anyone who is thinking of taking Guaifenesin please don't just buy cough syrup with it in. It must be a purer form such as Mucinex.

The Guaifenesin protocol is quite demanding & all toiletries, make-up and dental products have to be checked for ingredients, and no herbs or aspirin can be ingested.



Of course it is. People are desparate though. Perhaps you would prefer my Thalidomide thread . . .

I understand being desperate, but I don't think that coming up with loose theories about what might fix XMRV (which we don't even know for a fact causes CFS at this point) is going to help anyone. Cough syrup isn't exactly good for you. If you were telling people to take lots of Vitamin C I wouldn't have a problem with it.

I guess I would just like to see that this place doesn't turn into another one of the hundreds of websites that talk about false cures.


"and this too shall pass"
Vancouver Canada suburbs
Cough Syrup Anyone!!!

I sometimes have bouts of coughing bad enough to cause migraine or head throb severe enough to not be able to sleep. I rarely tell my doctor that a med helps but I have with this cough med "ratio cotridin syr Pseudoephedrine-triprolidine (ram)' he thinks its the codeine. I really feel it helps a lot, and thats unusual with most of us. I researched one of the ingredients "tripolidine" and found

USPTO Application #20070026051 Tripolidine providing refreshedness upon awakening - looks to me like it might be suggested in sleep disorders???

I havent seen anything else on it. It is more then the codene with this med.
Has anyone with this prob tried it?




Levi - I understand where you're coming from. Trying new things is great, it gives us hope. I just think that this particular thing that you are suggesting is risky and premature.

I tried Valcyte for a month once. I talked a doctor into prescribing it to me because of the reported success that Montoya had experienced with it. It made me dreadfully ill with no benefit at all. That experience has left me extremely wary of experimental treatments with potential health risks. I feel that I made a mistake. Perhaps part of me wants to see that others do not make a similarly foolish mistake.

I think it's great that people are trying to come up with their own treatments/therapies but we should all be very careful.


I don't see what's wrong with merely presenting information. No one is recommending anything to anyone. I for one am glad to have every and all possibilities brought to my attention, as who knows what might eventually prove to be effective. We can all make our own decisions about what we want or don't want to try. Better to know than not know, imho.

And that noscapine research is something that I probably wouldn't have found on my own, so I'm glad to know about it. :) I can think of a lot worse things to take than a non-addictive opium derivative that not only appears to be remarkably safe, but also is anti-cancer and anti-stroke, including some of those nasty HIV and other antiviral drugs that completely trash the liver and some of them probably the kidneys, too!

But you're right abstractblue - we also have to be careful. But discussing things is one way to find out if it's something rational to take, what the cost/benefit might be, etc. If no one posted suggestions like that to discuss, we might actually make worse choices. imo! :)


Senior Member
I guess I would just like to see that this place doesn't turn into another one of the hundreds of websites that talk about false cures.

Hi abstractblue,

Levi is not promising a cure; he isn't selling anything; he isn't pushing a protocol.

He is offering information; he is offering his experiences; he is making us laugh.


Senior Member
I read a book on this a few years ago and the doctor talked of it curing M.E.

I wonder if it ties in with poor lympathic drainage.

I wasn't interested in taking any drugs , even over the counter ones, as I can get bad reactions from ordinary things!

I think it was Silicin - or something like that which has to be avoided for it to work as even a small amount blocks the Guarnesferin.