I am finding cognitive problems with the problems this thread raises.
Many themes intertwined.
The NHS 'science'
Religion in the NHS
Religion outside the NHS
Alternative 'cures' - both religious and non-religious
And how all this parallels with M.E.
I watched the repeat programme with Dr Christian Jessen last night.
He underwent what he felt was a legit. Test in New york first of all to see if he was gay. He was 100% gay.
Then he proceeded to look into these bogus cures.
First up was the NHS. Aversion Therapy I was the most horrified by. Really shocked. And yes this was still being given on the NHS in the 80s.
A Doctor who used to do this was questioned and I didnt much like his excuses. He said he was a young nieve Doctor in a 'team' which he stressed and just following orders from consultants. He thought he was helping patients. He didnt appear apologetic but did say he never saw any gay man 'cured'.
The treatment consisted of inducing vomiting whilst looking at photos and listening to vile words.
(this bit is particularly disgusting so dont read it
Warning - description of NHS aversion therapy coming here... Patients were told not to spit out their vomit or go to the basin but to be sick where they were and sit in their own vomit, faeces and urine. Vomiting would be induced every two hours for days i think it said)
Dr. CJ did one round of vomiting and was considerably upset and felt humiliated - not suprisingly. Totally shocked i was.
Other 'treatments' on offer was exorcism, religion, a weird colour your own MRI brain scan...
This consisted of an outline of a brain and head. The patient would be told to use crayons to colour it in. I think this was psychotherapy.
Based on the colours used, the practitioner would diagnose the problem. Black for example was trauma.
Heavy in all themes was childhood trauma - overidentifying with a mother if a boy and a distant father for example.
Patient was told the black in the brain was the bad bit and given homework to ask the brown colour to talk to the black colour and more nonsense.
Dr.CJ said he was only for evidence based medicine and of course there is nothing to 'cure'.
These 'cures' are only causing pain, suffering and psychological damage as the very word 'therapy' is being abused as its supposed to feel empowering and give you self esteem , confodence etc.
Good overall documentary - not the best write up - apologies.
I look forward to watching such a documentary on M.E. And C.F.S. Abuse.
P.s. The 15 (ish) men who were preaching religion and that they were x-gay - ended up refusing the objective gay test Dr.CJ recommended.
A smiley face to Dr.Christian