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Symprove - Anyone tried?

Hi everyone,

I've just started the new probiotic drink symprove and its the first probiotic in 8 years of illness that I seem to be able to tolerate. Just wondering if anyone else has tried it and, if so, have they noticed any results? I'm only 4 days in but would say that I feel a bit calmer, no change to energy though or other symptoms as of yet.




Senior Member
Hi Gem,

I just wanted to welcome you to the forum. I have no experience with Symprove but, the fact that you feel calmer is definitely positive. Good luck with it.

Hi Gem,

I just wanted to welcome you to the forum. I have no experience with Symprove but, the fact that you feel calmer is definitely positive. Good luck with it.


Thanks for the welcome Nielk, that's really nice of you! I may have spoken too soon regarding the symprove as took double the dosage last night as I was thinking that I was doing well with it and starting to crash now! You would have thought by now that I would have learnt how slowly you need to take things with ME.:aghhh:


Senior Member
East Sussex
I am interested in using this probiotic supplement, tests at UCL London show that it is the only commercially available probiotic to pass the GI tract and thrive in the gut


Senior Member
East Sussex
I've just switched from Bravo (which helps me a bit with sleep, energy, feeling mildly more well) to Symprove to trial it for 12 weeks. I've been on it less than a week and nothing significant yet but I'll keep you posted!


Senior Member
Hi Chris

How did you get on with Symprove? I've taken it for 3 weeks and no effect yet, good or bad. How would you compare it to Bravo?


Senior Member
East Sussex
Hi Chris

How did you get on with Symprove? I've taken it for 3 weeks and no effect yet, good or bad. How would you compare it to Bravo?

Hi @Jenny Sorry I forgot to report back, I took a months trial of Symprove and unfortunately in my case it was very noticeable but it made me feel worse - More PEM, some more neurological stuff like nerve pain and muscle movement issues and more Brain fog. I can't say there were any positive effects to report but it's possible that it has contributed to my overall slight improvement through microbiome diversity. I wouldn't say that I don't recommend it, the negative effects were not awful and passed soon after, so it may still be worth a try but I get the impression that this product is better suited to other inflammatory conditions, specifically IBS, Crohns, Respiratory stuff


Senior Member
Please don't take this! I took it for about 6 months. Initially I felt terrible, then I improved (gut symptoms). However, I started to suffer anxiety type symptoms in the night (tight chest, air hunger, more nausea). It became extreme with muscle twitching in the face and body. My intense research uncovered how symprove contains 4 types of probotic - including acidophilus and enteroccus feacium, high levels of which are already found in m.e cfs. There is a big study about this finding. The symptoms I was suffering from were classic acidosis type symptoms. I stopped the probiotic and the symptoms have definitely improved but not completely - this probiotic is very strong and very capable of settling and establishing within the gut. Once there it is very hard to eradicate. I've had an awful time. I should also note, where my stomach had initially improved, it soon became bad again during and after ceasing symprove. I contacted the company to stress how people with m.e should be warned about their product, but they would accept no responsibility for what their product did to me. I still suffer neuro symptoms to this day (i stopped it 1 1/2 years ago). It angers me that they can promote such a powerful product for everyone and anyone, without knowing the health consequences to some illnesses. Dont touch it people from phoenix rising. This is not good stuff for us! (My m.e is very gut based - the gut being probably my most prominent symptom overall).


Senior Member
Please don't take this! I took it for about 6 months. Initially I felt terrible, then I improved (gut symptoms). However, I started to suffer anxiety type symptoms in the night (tight chest, air hunger, more nausea). It became extreme with muscle twitching in the face and body. My intense research uncovered how symprove contains 4 types of probotic - including acidophilus and enteroccus feacium, high levels of which are already found in m.e cfs. There is a big study about this finding. The symptoms I was suffering from were classic acidosis type symptoms. I stopped the probiotic and the symptoms have definitely improved but not completely - this probiotic is very strong and very capable of settling and establishing within the gut. Once there it is very hard to eradicate. I've had an awful time. I should also note, where my stomach had initially improved, it soon became bad again during and after ceasing symprove. I contacted the company to stress how people with m.e should be warned about their product, but they would accept no responsibility for what their product did to me. I still suffer neuro symptoms to this day (i stopped it 1 1/2 years ago). It angers me that they can promote such a powerful product for everyone and anyone, without knowing the health consequences to some illnesses. Dont touch it people from phoenix rising. This is not good stuff for us! (My m.e is very gut based - the gut being probably my most prominent symptom overall).

Thanks Vicki. I'm so sorry you had such bad symptoms. Do you have a link to the study that showed high levels of acidophilus and enterococcus feacium in ME, please?


Senior Member
Taking probiotics with CFS/ME is often a lottery. I have felt intolerable side effects from probiotics that are generally recommended, like all the Spore-based ones (e.g. Prescript Assist). As far as I can see, Symprove is nothing different than the typical Lactobacillus/Bifido mix that you can find in every store, the only different ingredient is the Enterococcus Faecium, which I have also seen more and more present lately in commerical probiotic mixes. Some patients are also too low on Enterococcus, at least according to this blog post of Ken Lassesen. Lactobacillus strains generally do not colonize - they leave the gut a couple of weeks after you stop supplementing, which makes them very safe.


Senior Member
Taking probiotics with CFS/ME is often a lottery. I have felt intolerable side effects from probiotics that are generally recommended, like all the Spore-based ones (e.g. Prescript Assist). As far as I can see, Symprove is nothing different than the typical Lactobacillus/Bifido mix that you can find in every store, the only different ingredient is the Enterococcus Faecium, which I have also seen more and more present lately in commerical probiotic mixes. Some patients are also too low on Enterococcus, at least according to this blog post of Ken Lassesen. Lactobacillus strains generally do not colonize - they leave the gut a couple of weeks after you stop supplementing, which makes them very safe.
I would very much contest the 'safe' premise. Safe according to who? And they leave the gut according to who? I have suffered at the hands of this probiotic. Microbiome medicine is still such an unknown land - accordingly, how can anyone state that playing with this area is 'safe'. It isn't.