Regarding the cancer link and XMRV. I was thinking about this yesterday and did somr looking about on the internet.(I wont dignify it with the term "research")
Roughly speaking;
In the last thirty years -
Prostate cancer has tripled, (and this rise has been in all the age groups, not just the elderly),
breast cancer has risen by 50%,
Non - Hogkins lymphomas have doubled. From being very rare they have now become the fifth most common cancer.
Of course the ME/CFS charities have been saying that ME/CFS numbers have also risen dramatically during this period. But typically for this disease, no proper figures exist.
Otherwise, it would be interesting to plot all these disease statistics on a graph and see if the rise in these threee cancers is mirrored by the growth in ME/CFS cases.
There is no real explanation for this rise in these cancers, but I did find the following interesting article, suggesting a link to some kind of lowered immunity state leading to the rise in NHL (though this is just a theory and not proven)
I think the WPI are trying to draw together this data and the XMRV hypothesis to account for this unexplained rise in cancer.
It is an interesting hypothesis but of course is not proven and may not be correct. But I think this is why they are so focussed on the MLV hypothesis as they think it could account for both the immune problems thought to POSSIBLY underly lymphoma, and of course the hormonally driven cancers of the prostate and breast.
However if the theory is true, the scientist who proves it will become famous.
This could be one reason for the fight that is going on at the moment.