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Surgery or Radiation on Immune system

I need to have a treatment for my prostate cancer which has grown after 2 years of active surveillance.
It looks like I'll have to do surgery or radiation. I'm terrified of the auto immune symptoms that will be activated.

Last time I had thyroid surgery my symptoms lasted for 2 years and included, severe dizziness, vertigo, back pain, headaches and brain fog to mention a few of the most severe.

I don't know that doing radiation will be any better in re to setting off symptoms. In fact it could be worse I suspect.
With either treatment I'm wondering if theres anything I can do to boost my immune system PRE treatment.

Any suggestions appreciated.

RWP (Rest without Peace)

Senior Member

So sorry to hear about your prostate cancer and need for surgery/radiation. You asked about boosting the immune system. My wife had ovarian cancer 23 years ago, and the nonconventional treatment she did not only cured that without surgery, etc. (not necessarily applicable in your case), but it remarkably reversed her severe MCS and improved her ME more than anything else. Obviously, this means that it strengthened her immune system greatly in the process.

I began writing a 3-part blog series on this type of treatment, but only got finished with Pt. 1. If you'd like more info after reading it, let me know.


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RWP (Rest without Peace)

Senior Member

I'll explain about the bacteria in a later post. I should mention that, because I ran out of time on Part 1, I need to write up Part 1.5 to complete what's missing. That will take me up to a week to complete, but I will do it.

BTW: This explanation for the cause of cancer and its non-pharmaceutical treatment would probably be scoffed at by most doctors, even some of those who are more alternative-minded. Since it can be done alone or combined with any conventional treatment, you may not feel the need to discuss it anyway. More about that later.

This is a relevant question: What country are you located in? I assume it's the US, but that has a bearing on access to the OTC treatment if not.



Senior Member
Hi Robert,

I just been through 2.5 years of treatment for breast cancer. Chemo, then surgery and then rads. Really sorry that your tumour is getting better. My Uncle is being treated for PC right now so really sympathise.

Oddly enough for me, surgery was the easiest part of this whole horrible series of interventions. I've had surgery before and like yourself left with a whole lot of side effects which were long lasting.

Although I have spoken to Anesthetists before this time, I don't know whatever they used, but I recovered very well after. I asked them for a non-histamine releasing drugs plus no steroids or adrenaline. Woke from the surgery is severe pain but for once the wound healed and I didn't my normal bad side effects from the drugs and the huge crash.

All through the treatment the big factor to consider for me appeared to be allergies. I reacted badly to most of my treatment and all through it was allergy meds like anti-histamines (Cyclizine, claritin etc )and benadryl that helped me most. When I had chemo the normal drugs I was given didn't even touch the nausea and vomiting I had plus severe bone pain from some injections. I'm glad to hear that you will be spared chemo but the other options aren't good either.

Had a huge skin allergic reaction to the rads. The staff at the clinic were useless and could only think along the lines of skin damage or heat burns. An allergic reaction was well beyond them and I was left to sort out my own meds and lotions.

Because I was so sick, weak and dizzy from the chemo, the effects of the rads (apart from the horrible skin effects) "just" felt like more of the same.

With Chemo they usually give Dexamethosome at my hospital and I'd reacted badly to that before (increased weakness etc) but they insisted and this was another problem. Got them eventually to change this to Predislone.

Just a few ideas. It was the anti-histamines that helped me most in the end.
Thanks so much for taking the time and sharing your information. Much appreciated.
In re to my prostate cancer, at this moment, because the cancer is contained in the prostate, I hope that surgery will eliminate it and the need for chemo. Same with radiation.

You mentioned anestheisa and I had a rough time when I came out of my last thryroid operation, and 2 days later had extreme dizziness. I will look into what you told your anesteisologist, in regards to drugs and steroids, hoping not to suffer the pain, but I might be able to sacrifice short term pain for less long term side effects.
I have read on this site that that Predislone is a good balm for flareups. I mentioned it to my doc but she didn't want to write me a scrip. I treat myself with Tylenol, Curcumin and CoQ10 and Meloxocam for all the inflammation, whether in my head with nasty headaches or brain fog, or back pain.
I wish there was something to put the flare ups into remission. I had a wonderful 9 month run where I was biking 3-4 times a week, and hardly had any side effects, but when I tried yoga or the gym, the flare ups returned.
anyway thanks

RWP (Rest without Peace)

Senior Member

To answer your question, the pathogen that causes cancer is primarily a trematode (flatworm) parasite. I am ready to send you some info. Could you respond to my PM so I can send it? Also, the testing required can't be done in normal laboratory settings. Details in my forthcoming info.
