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    Created in 2008, Phoenix Rising is the largest and oldest forum dedicated to furthering the understanding of, and finding treatments for, complex chronic illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), fibromyalgia, long COVID, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), and allied diseases.

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Support OMF through Amazon and iGive! Each purchase a % goes towards OMF research!

Ben H

OMF Volunteer Correspondent
Hi Guys,

Some exciting news!

Many of you support the OMF (Open Medicine Foundation) through monthly and one off donations, for which we are extremely grateful.

OMF have managed to extend the ways that we can fund this research by 'Give by shopping'.

Anyone who purchases on Amazon, 0.5% of eligible purchase cost will go towards funding OMF. Awesome!

The same goes for iGive, with 1559 stores to choose from, and OMF will receive between 5-20% of purchase amount depending on store and purchase bought!

As many of us buy supplements/purchases each month on Amazon, and will use some shops on iGive, this is a really easy way to fund research without it costing yourself, per se. All of this really adds up and can make a significant impact for OMF, especially if we do this regularly/each time.

Here are the direct links for you!

AMAZON: https://smile.amazon.com/ch/26-4712664

iGIVE: http://www.igive.com/welcome/lp15/wr34.cfm?c=65413&p=19992&jltest=1
(Sign up and list of shops and corresponding % are given)

Thanks guys!


Research 1st

Severe ME, POTS & MCAS.
Thanks Ben.

One thing, it appears this only works for US based customers?

When logged in as US customer it says you're shopping with the charity in orange text at the top banner that runs horizontally with your logged in name, e.g. Katy, displayed on the right side of the Amazon page - good!

However, when you navigate away from the Amazon Dot Com, website, to another country, the orange text on the left top of the page that previously says you're shopping with the charity of your choice, (in this case OMF), is no longer there. :(

I am thus presuming, this only works when logged in on Amazon.Com, which if so, is a bit of a problem for people who don't live in the US, or shop logged into a US Amazon account.

Please note, I am easily confused, and could well be wrong, it's just what I think is the situation. Maybe others outside the US could see if they have the same issue? Thank you.

Ben H

OMF Volunteer Correspondent
Thanks Ben.

One thing, it appears this only works for US based customers?

When logged in as US customer it says you're shopping with the charity in orange text at the top banner that runs horizontally with your logged in name, e.g. Katy, displayed on the right side of the Amazon page - good!

However, when you navigate away from the Amazon Dot Com, website, to another country, the orange text on the left top of the page that previously says you're shopping with the charity of your choice, (in this case OMF), is no longer there. :(

I am thus presuming, this only works when logged in on Amazon.Com, which if so, is a bit of a problem for people who don't live in the US, or shop logged into a US Amazon account.

Please note, I am easily confused, and could well be wrong, it's just what I think is the situation. Maybe others outside the US could see if they have the same issue? Thank you.

Hi Research,

Thanks for this, you're right. Working on this now, thanks for pointing this out.

Will keep you updated,



Fine, thank you
For those people shopping in the US, it's a great idea, though (and iGive is also Canada, IIRC). I always shop on Amazon UK using a link to benefit one of the ME charities (you can support Phoenix Rising this way from most countries).


Senior Member
I got a msg from Amazon Smile a few days ago saying that as of now I'd made 185 purchases that have supported OMF!

It is very easy to use and once you designate them as your charity on Amazon Smile, a percent of every purchase goes to them. It can also be used together with Amazon Prime.

So every supplement, book, clothing or purchase they get a percent. Thanks for reminding us of this @Ben Howell!

Ben H

OMF Volunteer Correspondent
I got a msg from Amazon Smile a few days ago saying that as of now I'd made 185 purchases that have supported OMF!

It is very easy to use and once you designate them as your charity on Amazon Smile, a percent of every purchase goes to them. It can also be used together with Amazon Prime.

So every supplement, book, clothing or purchase they get a percent. Thanks for reminding us of this @Ben Howell!

Absolute champion @Gingergrrl !

It really adds up. Thanks for supporting and being ahead of the game on this! If any family members, friends etc can do the same, that would be awesome.

Thanks so much!



Senior Member
Thanks Ben and I have been using Amazon Smile to support OMF since end of 2014 and it's super easy. It must look like I have an insane number of purchases but we lost everything we owned to mold last summer so we replaced a lot of it via Amazon plus I order all my supplements that way.

Jennifer J

Senior Member
Southern California
Many of you support the OMF (Open Medicine Foundation) through monthly and one off donations, for which we are extremely grateful.

OMF have managed to extend the ways that we can fund this research by 'Give by shopping'.

Anyone who purchases on Amazon, 0.5% of eligible purchase cost will go towards funding OMF. Awesome!

The same goes for iGive, with 1559 stores to choose from, and OMF will receive between 5-20% of purchase amount depending on store and purchase bought!

As many of us buy supplements/purchases each month on Amazon, and will use some shops on iGive, this is a really easy way to fund research without it costing yourself, per se. All of this really adds up and can make a significant impact for OMF, especially if we do this regularly/each time.

Here are the direct links for you!

AMAZON: https://smile.amazon.com/ch/26-4712664

iGIVE: http://www.igive.com/welcome/lp15/wr34.cfm?c=65413&p=19992&jltest=1
(Sign up and list of shops and corresponding % are given)

Thanks guys!

Thanks Ben for the links.:) What a great and easy way to support OMF. That was sooo easy to do. Didn't order much but every little bit from everyone adds up. :thumbsup: