Hi, Leaves; welcome among us! But you ask a difficult question; for instance, do you have any other medical diagnoses that might complicate the picture?
Hi Leaves,
Chris makes a valid point here. We are more than just CFS. Many, if not all, have other health or social issues to consider.
--a low fat, basically vegetarian diet is a necessity, though it might not be for others without that problem.
Vegetarian or Carnivore, Vegan, Dairy free, Grain free - what ever suits you.
There is no right diet, for all the people, all the time. There is only the right diet for
you at this current time in
your life. Just as there is no right supplement plan that is appropriate for all the people, all the time.
You should follow a
tried & tested diet which you understand, is affordable & do-able. There's no point my extolling the virtues of a fresh, organic diet if you cannot afford or do not have access to fresh food. Do you live in a remote location? Do you have other family members to consider? Do you have transport? Are you interested in buying online?
I have financial limitations, so I need to consider a new, previously untried supplement very carefully. If I find something with amazing benefits which really work for me, do I have to let go some other supplement which I previously considered absolutely essential (& I thought I couldn't do without)?
What do you do when the money runs out, or is limited? Do you go for fresh quality foods over supplements?
Do you have cognitive problems? Can you remember, what, when, how many tablets to take. Do you understand the importance of following the directions -
before food. Take
with food. Take
after food. Sometimes I need to stop & really concentrate to remember what supplements I've taken in the last five minutes, especially if I'm rushing to get ready for work in the morning.
I'm one of those people who needs routine & order in my life. I need procedures & clear directions. I get confused easily some days. I can't handle too many tasks at once.
And I'm no longer hesitate about admitting my failings (I used to be terribly embarrassed about my "brain fog" or lack of comprehension).
Sometimes I don't understand the words or abbreviations some members use. I need to ask, or look them up in a dictionary (or on the internet). I've got "myDr consumer medication" bookmarked for easy referral. I also have an internet "word definition" site bookmarked, so I can look things up easily.
That's the way I learn.
Have you had the appropriate blood or other tests (or scans) to evaluate your current nutritional deficiences (if any)?
I believe in illnesses like ME/CFS/FM, the best way to improve is be pro-active & educated. Read as much literature as possible. Be open to alternatives. Understand what you are reading & if you don't understand, ask someone who can explain the information in such a way that you
do understand.
Don't be afraid to ask questions, but don't assume the answers are always right & should automatically follow (as gospel truth).
Be open to the possibility that a medical professional is limited by his/her training, experience & knowledge too.
And so it is with Health Food Shop or Pharmacy staff. Ascertain if they are knowledgable on supplements. No point buying a supplement because it was on special this week, or you were impressed by the advertising literature of a miraculous result. Don't buy a supplement because the shop assistant tells you that supplement cured them.
You are not "them".
You are unique & individual. Learn to see your body each morning with open eyes. Listen to your body.
You are more than your CFS, though at times it might seem to have swallowed you.
Well said, Chris.
Knowledge takes time. It doesn't happen overnight.
The most knowledgable members of this forum had to start somewhere - they would have started at the beginning.
Take your time. Don't rush into anything. Mistakes can be costly.
Medical science is evolving all the time & new Nutritional supplements are coming on the market. There's probably a few "duds" amongst them too -companies out to make a quick buck.
There are so many informed & educated members of this forum, and I know they will be only too happy to share their knowledge & experience with you.
And please don't hesitate to share your experience too. We can all learn from each other.