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Supplements for ME/CFS: MEA website poll (July 2016)

charles shepherd

Senior Member
The July 2016 MEA website poll is asking people which (if any) is the most effective supplement they have used

Current voting intentions:

  • Which supplement, if any, have you found to be the most helpful in the management of your ME/CFS?
    • carnitine (4%, 2 Votes)

    • co-enzyme Q10 (12%, 6 Votes)

    • EPA/eicosapentaenoic acid (2%, 1 Votes)

    • magnesium (16%, 8 Votes)

    • multivitamin preparation (0%, 0 Votes)

    • NADH/Enada (2%, 1 Votes)

    • vitamin B12 (14%, 7 Votes)

    • vitamin D (14%, 7 Votes)

    • none of them (33%, 17 Votes)

    • Never taken supplements (4%, 2 Votes)

      Total Voters: 51

Vote via the home page on the MEA website: www.meassociation.org.uk

Overseas votes are welcome in this month's poll

Dr Charles Shepherd
Hon Medical Adviser, MEA

charles shepherd

Senior Member
The option "other" is missing. I interpret "none of them" as no supplement worked.

Unfortunately, the tool we use on the website poll restricts the number of words we can use as well as the number of answers

So we cannot add 'other' to the answers

If no supplement worked, the answer is 'none of them'



Senior Member
What about those with a deficiency in certain vitamins vs. those who don't and if there is a deficiency what tests would be used to to verify this?

I have a feeling I'm making this far more complicated than the purpose of the poll. But it got me to thinking.


charles shepherd

Senior Member
What about those with a deficiency in certain vitamins vs. those who don't and if there is a deficiency what tests would be used to to verify this?

I have a feeling I'm making this far more complicated than the purpose of the poll. But it got me to thinking.


You raise a perfectly valid point

Unfortunately, the IT tool we currently have for the monthly MEA website survey means that we have to keep things very simple.

The Question cannot contain more than 90 characters and we cannot have more than 9 short single answers.


Senior Member
Vancouver, BC
Sorry but I think this is a poor poll. If we can't select multiple choices it gives a misleading result. Also the wording "most helpful" supplement is also poor. If someone has only tried 1 of the options and it helped only slightly it will count as much as someone who tried all of and found 1 that had a huge improvement

Isn't there a module that will allow better designed surveys? Ones that might actually be useful to us? :p