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Supplement to support kidney

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
(I bought some dandelion tea yesterday after recommendations here, and will start there.)
Dandelion tea is a diuretic, and will help your liver and kidneys flush .... so dont get too far from a bathroom.

But you should do some Googling and see which of the grab bag of options I put up for you, along with @heapsreal 's astragalus suggestion, feels right. Only you can know the subtle intricacies of your system and body ....


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Dandelion tea is a diuretic, and will help your liver and kidneys flush .... so dont get too far from a bathroom.

But you should do some Googling and see which of the grab bag of options I put up for you, along with @heapsreal 's astragalus suggestion, feels right. Only you can know the subtle intricacies of your system and body ....

To add to what you are saying. In many countries now, one can get labs done without the need of a Dr. So if one wants to use a herb to improve kidney function, depending on finances, a person could get blood work for kidney function before and say 4 weeks after a trial of a herbal treatment and see if there's any measurable effects. It can help take the guess work out of alot of these treatments and we aren't just going by how we feel, which is so up and down with cfsme as it is.


Senior Member
Dandelion tea is a diuretic, and will help your liver and kidneys flush .... so dont get too far from a bathroom.

But you should do some Googling and see which of the grab bag of options I put up for you, along with @heapsreal 's astragalus suggestion, feels right. Only you can know the subtle intricacies of your system and body ....
I will :thumbsup:
But I react badly to so many supplements, I want to add one at the time and take it slow.

I need to go back for new blood drawing in half a year or so, I’ll ask if I can get all of them done again. But if for some reason I can’t, I’ll see if privat is an option?
I hadn’t thought about that!

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
But I react badly to so many supplements, I want to add one at the time and take it slow.
Absolutely RIGHT !!! That's the only rational way to do it, otherwise if you have a reaction, you'll have no idea to which ....

And the dandelion tea or caps is a great way to start. It flushes both your kidneys and liver, and sets them up nicely for further helpers down the road.

I’ll see if privat is an option?
I hadn’t thought about that!
If you can, it would be helpful to have actual readings on the things that indicate kidney function, so you know what your baseline was at start of your efforts ....

For instance, a serum creatinine blood test measures the amount of creatinine in your blood. If your kidneys aren’t working as well as they should, your serum creatinine level will be elevated. Normal levels for you will depend on your sex, age, and the amount of muscle mass your body has, but the test results will also show the range of what's normal or good, and what isnt so you can guage where you are in relation to those ranges.

The blood test that checks how well your kidneys are filtering your blood, called GFR, which stands for glomerular filtration rate. Generally, a GFR test result of 60 or more is good, less than 60 indicates that your kidneys aren’t working up to par.

You could also ask you Dr, the one who observed that your kidneys were a little off, for copies of your blood tests, so youll know what he was looking at to make that determination, and you'll also know where you are, kidney-wise.


Senior Member
I’ve got a good doctor:)
He’s done them both. Without me asking.
And it’s nothing alarming, they’re well within the limit, but they’re having a negative development.
With all your help, I’m ready to stop that negativity :cool::cool:


Senior Member
By the way, we have a national website here in Norway,
we can log in and read our own results if we want.
(Not from the privat doctors, I think, but from the GP s)
So I can now read my blood work back to 2012.