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Summary of research being carried out at Stanford


Senior Member
England (south coast)
I've been looking for this information for ages, so I've created a new thread, in case others have had the same difficulty...
It's a brief summary of all the CFS research that Montoya is doing at Stanford:

It's a really impressive list of research projects, each involving 600 patients.

I'd really like us all to start a thread with info and links about ongoing research, as I'm always struggling to keep up with what's in the pipeline...
It would be best to use a wiki, but until we have one, I suppose we could just start a thread for that purpose, or we could just post in this thread, if anyone is interested in posting any info that they come across.


Senior Member
Bob, thanks for posting this.

From that wonderful Stanford site, I watched the hour-long video of Dr. Montoya,

I noticed their first study used only patients with elevated antibody titers to Epstein-Barr and/or? HHV6.

Is this the subset of patients they are still working with? Or they expanded their patient Set to a larger group?

Within this context, I'm wondering if there're only working with patients with elevated titers to some sort of virus?


Senior Member
England (south coast)
Simmaron Research have posted their ongoing projects on their website:

More very interesting projects, including testing cerebral spinal fluid for pathogens.

Note that some of this research might be overlapping or collaborative with Montoya at Stanford (I'm yet not sure if that's the case, but some of it looks similar), but Simmaron Research is Dr Peterson's venture, and so not directly related to Stanford or Montoya... I'm just posting this for further info.


Senior Member
England (south coast)
I noticed their first study used only patients with elevated antibody titers to Epstein-Barr and/or? HHV6.

Is this the subset of patients they are still working with? Or they expanded their patient Set to a larger group?

Within this context, I'm wondering if there're only working with patients with elevated titers to some sort of virus?

I think they are still investigating why only a subset of patients respond to some (antiviral) treatments.
But it seems that they have wide, complex and in-depth projects going on...
With a recruitment of 600 patients, I imagine that they are looking at a broad cross-section of CFS patients, and trying to understand the subsets.

I don't know all the details though....
I picked this info up from an interview with Montoya in Jorgen Jelstad's blog, here: