Sulphur Sensitivity and Fibromyalgia Getting Worse With Detox!


Senior Member
Ontario, Canada
Hmmm ... nope I think my high copper is due to Lyme because the bacteria depletes zinc and molybdenum leaving copper too low. Could have also had elevated copper from birth since it can be passed in the womb.
My copper was very high (190 mcg/g), while my other minerals were too low.
Dr. Klinghardt said that the hair test results for copper, zinc, and i think magnesium are actually lower than they actually are for people with Lyme. So that means my copper must be super high off the charts!

The mold I got when I lived in a very old house back in university. Looking back I realized that is when my Lyme symptoms began ... because mold triggers Lyme apparently! The pesticide I got in the same house when giant ants crawled out my keyboard and everywhere else in the house. My dad stupidly sprayed RAID inside the house and didn't open windows because they were glued shut. Now I have pesticide accumulated in my fat (now went to my thighs) and one time I had an epson salt bath and one of the fat lumps behind my left knee itched like crazy ... I knew it was the pesticide that had went through my skin and I wish I had tried Enterosgel or Activated Charcoal or something on it. I didn't believe it when my naturopath told me my blood test showed I had pesticide.

Sorry to hear you're having sleep issues as well. My sleep issues used to be very very bad. Then I addressed the following issues :

- Mold (this was found on my food sensitivity test ... my naturopath told me if I am allergic to a mold, that means I have it in my body, and he was right as I was able to fall asleep finally after treating mold)

- Vitamins/Minerals (i was low calcium since I don't drink milk, after taking it I no longer woke up in the middle of the night until the next crisis ... magnesium and potassium helps too of course)

- Clogged up liver (sleep better after my first two liver flushes, eventhough they weren't complete ones ... apparently you are suppose to get deeper sleep after this ... I really wish I could do more flushes) 2-3am awakenings is a sign of liver congestion as that is the time when the liver is doing much of its detox

- Parasites (this is a big one that is often overlooked because western medicine doesn't treat parasites, and if you got a lot of them like many Lyme people, natural remedies and herbs do not help as they only scatter them!) night time awakenings esp. during full moon is a sign of parasites

- Probiotics/Gut bacteria (add probiotics to your diet esp if your stool is leaving streaks in toilet bowl .. helped me with falling asleep)

- Juicing (yes I noticed a huge improvement in sleep the first few times I juiced before I became allergic to everything! My messed up circadian rhythm was fixed was able to sleep early like at 9pm! had huge Lyme die off too!)

- Food allergies (I think I probably do sleep a little better if I avoid foods I am sensitive to ... though it's not as obvious as addressing my main cause of poor sleep right now which is the clogged up liver ... got lots of liver/gallstones)

- Supplements like Glycine (they only helped temporarily, but as they say every little bit helps)

After doing all this my sleep improved a lot to a point where I was sleeping continuously for 16 hours a few days after my last liver flush! (of course if you still have liver/gallstones the problem will return after a while until all the stones are out) The long sleep though can be contributed by not sleeping so much the day before, and I had 'overdose' on potassium but now realized I may have just increased it enough to improve my sleep. I am apparently very sensitive to everything.

Sterling Hill mentioned one of my gene mutations can be causing me to sleep for 16 hours ... as I used to sleep for this long before my sleep got much worse after meeting my boyfriend (I think I might have got Babesia or something from him). I thought Lyme causes you to sleep for too long or too short.

For some people with Lyme, Rhodiola Rosea works well for them and eventually corrects the issue (can google about it that's how I found it). However it gave me heart quivering and palpitations the first time so I stopped using it.

My mercury I got as a child when they gave me a root canal with silver fillings, and silver fillings on at least one other tooth. I was only about 10 years old and didn't even need it (one of those bad dentists who like to rip off insurance companies). My CFS got much worse after they were removed unsafely by a regular dentist, then my fibromyalgia came just months afterwards during a back injury. Since I've always been an "Asperger" I bet I got some mercury in my vaccinations as a baby. So lots of mercury and I cannot excrete mercury (hair test shows very low mercury, DMSA mercury urine challenge shows high mercury).

My detox genes ... I have attached my Livewello report.

Rife works for candida? Hmm .. maybe I should get it sooner than later!


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Senior Member
Ontario, Canada
My light stool problem is becoming worse and I am waking up at 3 am every morning. My digestion is also getting worse with more burping now after eating anything.

Could it be the sulphites/candida that are clogging up my liver? What are ways to clear it besides doing a liver flush? I took Coptis last night but not sure if it is helping.


Senior Member

Thanks for all of that. My sleep problems go back nearly 30 years and at times improve somewhat like when I started to take b2 but the last few months have been much worse, coinciding with low moods and sugar cravings which are all candida I believe and tests show that it is high. I am working on my gut dysbiosis and my doc wants me to take antibx for strep. and Nystatin which I am not keen. I am hoping that resistant starch, probiotics and rifing is going to help with candida..

I have been following a strict diet but am breaking it these last few months due to cravings. I am hoping to improve enough to start getting my diet strict again.

Parasites - yes I am going to treat them. Mold yes I think that it might be a problem where I live. Liver yes , needs some treatment but juicing was not great for me due to problems with folate overload.

I tried Rhodiola Rosea , in fact I have tried most things but atm nothing is helping really.

My mercury started at 5 months with meds for teething containing mercury. Then I played with it then got amalgams. I will check your detox genes against mine later when I am finished running some healing frequencies on my other operating system to where my files are.

My generator only costs about $100 and is run by software which is free.

I get pale stools often. I use digestive enzymes for it. I think it is lack of bile. Its really interesting that we have very similar issues. I feel that I have Aspergers but have never been diagnosed. As they blame mercury for autism no wonder.

Will be following your posts.


Senior Member
Ontario, Canada
Cool, let me know how your rifing goes. Do you mean you actually bought it for only $100? And it works for all frequencies including for parasites and Lyme? Where did you get it from? I heard you need an AMP or something to generate more power?

For me, pales stools is actually quite rare. I think whatever I did these past few days has clogged up my liver/gallbladder again. And the only thing I can think of is the sulphite that must have leaked into my blood causing allergy symptoms (feelings of "doom", chest and overall feeling unwell, trouble breathing, ... causing heart palpitations, anxiety, etc). I guess it was a bad idea to supplement with molybdenum to treat sulphite during colonics while having leaking gut.


Senior Member
You can find out about spooky rife here:

Yes all of the CAFL and more frequencies are on the software. The generator is from China (postage added) takes a week to ship and you can either use contact mode or remote which I am using.Most are buying mulitiples. I have two new ones and two of the older ones. It means you can run many more frequencies at he same time but you don't have to. If you want you can buy a gadget to make remote using DNA easier from the inventor of the software in NZ who wont take any money for his work. There is enough power as the generator plugs to the mains.

I didn't get the pale stools till last year after taking manganese.


Senior Member
Ontario, Canada
Very interesting about the pale stools and manganese ... I just purchased manganese recently (Natural Factors 25 mg Manganese HVP Chelate) and have only taken a few of them since .... I wonder how manganese could cause this? Could the dosage have been too high?

I did not get pale stools when taking Biopure Core KPU minerals which includes 1.8 mg Manganese Glycinate ...

If you stop the manganese, are you still getting pale stools? How did you know it was the manganese? What was your dosage and how frequent?


Senior Member
Ontario, Canada
What other things have you tried for the pale stools besides digestive enzymes? Have you tried castor oil pack? I will try that later today.

Hold on ... my current diet doesn't have much fat in it. Maybe that's why. Does fish oil and primrose oil contain fat? I guess I should start eating fatty foods again or olive oil.
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Senior Member
That's all but I have increased fat the last few months. I think that it might well be because of low fat. FO and EPO do not have much oil content. I use ghee for most things with a little sesame oil.


Senior Member
Jerusalem, Israel
There's only one kind of strip - the sulfate one linked in my signature. Just guessing, the sulfate is what comes out in the urine and can be measured, and that's why you would use a sulfate strip.

Caledonia, Thank you for the info, but when I used your link, I found that the firm CTL also proposes sulfite strips...


Senior Member

- Mold (this was found on my food sensitivity test ... my naturopath told me if I am allergic to a mold, that means I have it in my body, and he was right as I was able to fall asleep finally after treating mold)

Can you give the basics for treating mold if you don't mind. Or point me to where I can find the info. I'm finding I suddenly seem to not tolerate many foods I used to after a recent high stress period.

I find that I am in a similar place that you are now. It's frightening to say the least. I am paying close attention to this thread and getting some good info.


Senior Member
Ontario, Canada
Did a few coffee enemas today and took some milk thistle. Hopefully the pale stool thing improves.

I also ordered some VSL#3 probiotics just now from their Canadian website. According to Klinghardt these are the best with 450 billion bacteria. Wonder why I didn't know about this earlier.

I found out I had a mold (spondylocladium) from an ALCAT food sensitivity test back in 2011. My naturopath gave me Anti MFP by Douglas Labs (for mold, fungus, parasite) and it helped me fall asleep.

And later on when I had a lot of trouble falling asleep again I figured it was the mold stirred up and resurfacing again during detox, so I bought Zeolite (liquid and powder form) and that improved my sleep once again. The Zeolite also helped my boyfriend with sleep (he reported deeper sleep).

I think Enterosgel works for mold as well as many other pathogens such as radiation, mercury, candida and H.Pylori. It's great because even those with a lot of food intolerances can take it since it is silica gel. Can purchase directly from their website or on eBay (same thing, different packaging).

MMS works for mold too I believe. I tried pretty much everything so I think the mold is gone by now.


Senior Member
Ontario, Canada
I am worried .... food is going down really slowly now, burping all the time, and stool is probably still pale ... what is wrong with me? I'm scared as I am getting worse ...

I think I must have a slow liver phase 1 detox ... is this why I am sensitive to all medication/supplements? If I take the full dose it is as if I overdosed! This has gotten worse over time. How can I quickly remedy this? Note I am intolerant to sulphur supplements like MSM, ALA, glutathione (feel really bad afterwards, with ALA being the worst). And I am afraid anything I take will make it worse. Would Phosphatidyl serine, Phosphatidyl choline, or DMG help? (I have BHMT mutation and I have lots of anxiety). I think my liver is clogged up with mercury, sulphites/sulphates, candida, and other contaminates and I can't get it out due to the sulphur intolerance :-(

I think I realize now why after my first mini liver flush I am getting only 1 bowel movement per day. I just read that grapefruit slows down phase 1 enzyme activity, and I guess epson salt (magnesium sulphate) adds to the sulphate burden .... probably making my condition worse :-(
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Senior Member

Sorry to take so long but here are my detox genes.

CYP1A1*2C A4889G rs1048943 TT -/-

CYP1A1 m3 T3205C rs4986883 TT -/-

CYP1A1 C2453A rs1799814 GG -/-

CYP1A2 164A>C rs762551 AC +/-

CYP1B1 L432V rs1056836 CC +/+

CYP1B1 N453S rs1800440 TT -/-

CYP1B1 R48G rs10012 GG -/-

CYP2A6*2 1799T>A rs1801272 AA -/-

CYP2A6*20 rs28399444 II -/-

CYP2C9*2 C430T rs1799853 CC -/-

CYP2C9*3 A1075C rs1057910 AA -/-

CYP2C19*17 rs12248560 CC -/-

CYP2D6 S486T rs1135840 CG +/-

CYP2D6 100C>T rs1065852 GG -/-

CYP2D6 2850C>T rs16947 AG +/-

CYP2E1*1B 9896C>G rs2070676 CC -/-

CYP2E1*1B 10023G>A rs55897648 GG -/-

CYP2E1*4 4768G>A rs6413419 GG -/-

CYP3A4*1B rs2740574 TT -/-

CYP3A4*2 S222P rs55785340 AA -/-

CYP3A4*3 M445T rs4986910 AA -/-

CYP3A4*16 T185S rs12721627 GG -/-

GSTP1 I105V rs1695 AA -/-

GSTP1 A114V rs1138272 CC -/-

SOD2 A16V rs4880 AG +/-

NAT1 R187Q rs4986782 GG -/-

NAT1 R64W rs1805158 CC -/-

CYP1A1*2C A4889G rs1048943 TT -/-

CYP1A1 m3 T3205C rs4986883 TT -/-

CYP1A1 C2453A rs1799814 GG -/-

CYP1A2 164A>C rs762551 AC +/-

CYP1B1 L432V rs1056836 CC +/+

CYP1B1 N453S rs1800440 TT -/-

CYP1B1 R48G rs10012 GG -/-

CYP2A6*2 1799T>A rs1801272 AA -/-

CYP2A6*20 rs28399444 II -/-

CYP2C9*2 C430T rs1799853 CC -/-

CYP2C9*3 A1075C rs1057910 AA -/-

CYP2C19*17 rs12248560 CC -/-

CYP2D6 S486T rs1135840 CG +/-

CYP2D6 100C>T rs1065852 GG -/-

CYP2D6 2850C>T rs16947 AG +/-

CYP2E1*1B 9896C>G rs2070676 CC -/-

CYP2E1*1B 10023G>A rs55897648 GG -/-

CYP2E1*4 4768G>A rs6413419 GG -/-

CYP3A4*1B rs2740574 TT -/-

CYP3A4*2 S222P rs55785340 AA -/-

CYP3A4*3 M445T rs4986910 AA -/-

CYP3A4*16 T185S rs12721627 GG -/-

GSTP1 I105V rs1695 AA -/-

GSTP1 A114V rs1138272 CC -/-

SOD2 A16V rs4880 +/-

NAT1 R187Q rs4986782 GG -/-

NAT1 R64W rs1805158 CC -/-

NAT2 I114T rs1801280 TT -/-

NAT2 R197Q rs1799930 AG +/-

NAT2 G286E rs1799931 AG +/-

NAT2 R64Q rs1801279 GG -/-

NAT2 K268R rs1208 AA

NAT2 R197Q rs1799930 AG +/-

NAT2 G286E rs1799931 AG +/-

NAT2 R64Q rs1801279 GG -/-

NAT2 K268R rs1208 AA
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Senior Member
Ontario, Canada
Hi guys, my bad bacteria overgrowth hasn't improved and I haven't had a bowel movement for 3 days now. Things really went downhill ever since those colonics which wiped out my good bacteria. Probiotics don't work, VSL#3 on the second day gave me burning in the gut and seemed to make things worse (ate an apple and had cramping, discomfort for hours, reddish pale watery diarrhea afterwards). And no bowel movement since then. I am feeling weaker than ever and I have lost weight since then (and I was already underweight).

Anyone tried fecal transplant for cases like this? I found a healthy donor. Dr. Carley agrees that this is a good option at this point. Can't detox or heal leaky gut if the bad bacteria have wiped out everything. Will try kefir again to remove more candida before the fecal transfer. I think I am less allergic now to foods I think.

Below are my detox genes which are not -/-.

CYP1A2 C164A rs762551 C AC +/-
CYP1B1 L432V rs1056836 C CG +/-
CYP2D6 S486T rs1135840 G GG +/+
CYP2D6 T100C rs1065852 A AA +/+
GPX3 rs8177412 C CT +/-
GSTM1 rs1056806 T CT +/-
GSTM1 rs2239892 G AG +/-
GSTP I105V rs1695 G AG +/-
PON1 Q192R rs662 C CC +/+

Sterling Hill explained to me what they meant :

CYP1A2 & CYP1B1 - I have in my notes that DIM helps this mutation, but contains sulphur, calcium D glucarate helps
CYP2D6 S486T & CYP2D6 T100C - look up on wiki, need drugs
GPX3 - deals with glutathione ... since I am +/- it is no wonder why I don't make glutathione and have problems detoxing
PON1 - trouble breaking down pesticide ... no wonder why I still have a lot of pesticide all sitting in my fat :-(

She also wanted to check my G6PD gene because it is very bad (thankfully I don't have it).


Senior Member
@taroki you are doing WAY too much at once without any idea what's affecting you. You need to take some time to let your body get into some form of homeostasis. Multiple coffee enemas a day is obviously way too much for your body to handle. You say certain things have gotten worse over time, but you've also been taking a huge number of supplements without a plan in place.