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Suggest topical pain killer


Senior Member
Los Angeles, USA
I became concerned about taking oral NSAIDs for pain relief in my shoulders. I've also been disappointed with topical creams such Asperecream, Biofreeze, and Trixaicin HP. But then I mistakenly ordered some Aspercream Max, which turned out to be different from Aspercream. It is based on menthol, which has not impressed me in the past. But this one works. Maybe because it contains 16%, which might be higher than other products I've tried. Also, it's a roll-on, so I don't have to get it all over my hands, or use protective gloves.

This stuff works on my shoulders, but not my wrists or thumb. So I'm wondering if anyone has a fav topical they like. I prefer a roll-on, for ease of use. But if you know of a wonderful non roll-on, I'd like to hear.

perchance dreamer

Senior Member
I really like Arnicare, a topical with arnica. It doesn't work immediately for me, but around 45 minutes after applying it, I get some relief.

It's not a roll-on, though. It comes in a tube as a gel or as a cream.

One nice thing about it is that I really need topicals at night. Anything with menthol such as Biofreeze interferes with my sleep. The Arnicare has just a hint of a smell, and it disappears quickly, so doesn't affect my sleep.

Amazon has a better price for Arnicare than Whole Foods and other stores in my area.


Thyme Oil (suppressor of COX-2) + Peppermint Oil.
pepper oil will block pain receptors

I tried prescription voltaren would be my preference. But since I take so much crap I feel better on the naturals ones so I can use more often and spread since it takes the pain away (only while I use it not a permanent solution).

I also do baking soda every 2h until pain sharp is gone and that takes care of my pain the best (the latic acid kind)


Hoarder of biscuits
Biofreeze does nothing for me, but Sombra helps because it feels warm. I use the roll-on because it would be awful to try to wash my hands every time I use it.


Senior Member
Ancient Minerals Magnesium Chloride spray works well for pain but it burns/itches in the beginning before you get used to it so you may have to dilute it with water. Now I can use it by itself with no problems.

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
Okay, Lidoderm patches help me a lot, also Topricin for pain which you can find on Amazon. That helps my joints. They can compound pain creams like Voltaren into a cream for fibro and horrible pain. There are all kinds of creams out there. Here's another GREAT one....cannibus oil for your skin.

Andrew, I am sure you re not into medical marijuana but....it is amazing as a topical. I made it a few years ago into an oil with olive oil and applied it to my pain area and it didn't give me the buzz, but helped with pain, but if you apply too much it will cause pain.

Magnesium oil stopped working for me. And @Gingergrrl -my doc took me off of magnesium shots due to the magnesium causing tissue damage. I have scars all over my butt even with the added taurine so I am no longer on them. Magnesium is horribly stinging and inflames the tissues too much, which is why IV's are better. Just a follow up. I had a very hard time with the Meyer's push though which is all about magnesium...I would feel wiped out and hot after it.

Biofreeze makes me so sick to my stomach and brings on an instant migraine. The smell is nauseating.

Good luck, Andrew.


Senior Member
Magnesium oil stopped working for me. And @Gingergrrl -my doc took me off of magnesium shots due to the magnesium causing tissue damage. I have scars all over my butt even with the added taurine so I am no longer on them. Magnesium is horribly stinging and inflames the tissues too much, which is why IV's are better.

@Misfit Toy The oil still works for me for mild to moderate pain but not for severe pain. I never ended up getting the shots (for multiple reasons which I won't get into here and off-track this thread!)