taniaaust1 what do you think lead to your full remission of 2-3 years? Did it seem random or due to a specific treatment?
maybe just luck and aggressive rest therapy and doing anything I could do to avoid getting worst or crashing more.
I didnt even get myself woken up for meals as I think that would of been counterproductive due to how severe I was. I had to put myself before my family and kids as I saw that I just got into that terrible state in the first place throu pushing myself so realised the only hope I had of improving was to put myself and my own needs first. Basically I had to be shut in a dark room and left for 9mths to get out of that bad crash which had left me unable to walk most of the time, I had trouble just holding my head up.
My kids couldnt even talk to me as it made me worst (I lost my ability to speak sentences or understand them.. we communicated in sign language for eg I need a water or food or would point to the potty so daughter would empty). My eldest poor daughter was only 10 years old and had to become my carer. She did EVERYTHING except the shopping, i was too sick to see friends (I was even movement intollerant if someone walked by me I almost had a seizure due to the brain overload) but a friend did get the shopping and leave it at the front door for my daughter to put away.
I was both sound intollerant and light intollerant. My body pain all over was so bad my children couldnt even hug me (unfortunately that whole thing damaged my relationship with my youngest who was only 7-8 years old at the time and didnt understand this whole thing.. she took it that I didnt love her).
Once I started improving, I forced myself still to rest (my teeth didnt get brushed for over a year).. and when I left the bedbound stage (injuring myself in the process cause my muscles were so week so ended up in hospital for a week after trying to follow a physios advice), I still forced myself to take afternoon naps. It took years to get out of a bedbound state and back to a normal way of being. A 3-5 year process of doing all I could to avoid crashes.
Unfortunately there is no easy answer for this stuff. Best trying to just do whatever you can to avoid getting worst and try to stabilise and then go from there. (the thread poster by the sounds of it is doing that).
I wish I knew what happened in ones body to make someone that very sick surely something MAJOR has to be going wrong for that. I didnt have any blood tests done during that time as I was too sick to get to a doctor but years later I had blood tests showing severe hypoglycemia. (the last time I'd struggled to a doctor, I been abandoned by them with being told "we cant do anything for CFS" so I just ended up in a bedbound state not able to do a thing )
Without my 10year old I would of died (I was going up to 3 days without drinking due to going comatose). This is all why Im getting so destressed that Im going downhill due to currently being forced to do too much as Im unable to get the support I need from state services.. I dont have anyone now to look after me so I can try to pace myself very very slowly back to some form of maybe health again.
My improvement was luck and aggressive rest therapy and who knows if I will ever recover again if I end up that bad again. I have no idea how many extremely severe ME people came back from that but I consider myself very lucky to have done. The odds when one are that sick dont seem to be too great.
Its a scary place to be in to be getting worst and not being able to do anything about it.