Sudden food allergies

Paducah, Kentucky
Over the past few years of me gradually getting sick, I noticed some weird things in my diet changing, And I wondered if anyone else has developed any BIZARRE food allergies. After I started getting very, very sick, I noticed I had developed a bad allergy to...spinach. Spinach, Kale, Collards, even iceberg lettuce! I loved salads, and I noticed sometimes they made me itchy..then one day I ate a spinach salad and had to down half a bottle of Benedryal to avoid the hospital. This was before I was diagnosed, so the doctors had no clue why I developed such a weird, rare allergy. I can't even eat celery.
Along with that I developed a gluten sensitivity(It makes my head hurt and my face feel full and I bloat),a sugar sensitivity(can only use honey), and I can't eat any form of Genetically Modified ANYTHING without getting sick.
I eat mostly organic now, and have a high-protein, and complex carb diet which usually keeps my stomach in line.

Anyone else develop strange allergies?


Senior Member
I did an Allatess allergy test and have almost 30 food intolerances/allergies. It picked up some that I knew about, but a lot more that I didn't. Eggs are my big one. My minor ones are mostly vegetables. It's weird that some of them are things I don't like and never eat, like pears and cottage cheese.

After I avoided all of my food allergies for about a year, I could tolerate some of them again. There are also drops you can take (via Allatess) that can help.

This can be caused by leaky gut. So the real solution is to determine if you have it, and if you do, treat that.


Senior Member
Cranberries were something I almost never ate - literally just once per year for Thanksgiving. Then I had the testing done, and went to the US while still waiting for results. My mom fed me wonderful salads every day with dried cranberries on them, and I had really bad soft tissue swelling. Then the results came in a week later, and avoiding the cranberries made a big difference.

I'd been getting broccoli every day in my multivitamin, and avoiding that helped too. And I've always hated broccoli, so I was quite happy to see that one turn up as causing a reaction :cool:
Paducah, Kentucky
I was actually going to look into getting the Allatess testing, i just never followed through with it. I'll definitely look back into it, instead of ignoring it..I know I have more food allergies I'm just too afraid to know! Haha Everything is already boring enough without adding more things I cant eat to the list@~@
Paducah, Kentucky
Cranberries were something I almost never ate - literally just once per year for Thanksgiving. Then I had the testing done, and went to the US while still waiting for results. My mom fed me wonderful salads every day with dried cranberries on them, and I had really bad soft tissue swelling. Then the results came in a week later, and avoiding the cranberries made a big difference.

I'd been getting broccoli every day in my multivitamin, and avoiding that helped too. And I've always hated broccoli, so I was quite happy to see that one turn up as causing a reaction :cool:

Yeah my multivitamins had spinach in them too. haha. Broccoli just makes my tummy really hurt, so i avoid it too.


Senior Member
Truth or consequences, nm
I've found after switching to distilled water for drinking that all of my allergies went away except for mold and probably gluten, I'm not going to put that one to the test any time soon.