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Successfull GcMAF Therapy

Hi David,

I think you are wrong. He simply means the first visit started in 2005 and only GcMaf in 2010. See "I started weekly 100 nanogram I.V. injections of GcMAF at the end of November 2010. In September 2011 this changed to only one monthly S.C. (not I.V.) injection."

Besides, you said your 55 doctors are using your GcMaf and yet I find it difficult to track a proper one who have experience in GcMaf from your website, under Recommended Clinic section. ( I tried to contact them and they responded either no experience in this or they are not doing it). It would be great if your doctors are more helpful.


Senior Member
Anybody here used your stuff David and can report such improvements? I find your claims suspicious, to say the least...sorry.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Our first XMRV patient has been cured after 5 months of our GcMAF. It took 2 months to cure him of Lyme disease, then another three to cure him of XMRV.
We have five CFS cures ....

If Dr Ken De Meirleir is taking 6 years to cure people, why are our doctors so far ahead of him?

Best wishes

David Noakes.
link removed

Sorry, David, you aren't convincing us. And what exactly are you trying to convince us of--to buy your product? Pushing a product is against the rules of this form.

And, as Joey asked, what is considered being cured of XMRV when the diagnosis itself is under question? Certainly not a negative blood test. Also, being "cured" of XMRV or HGRV is not the same as being cured of ME/CFS. If a retrovirus is at play in this illness, it is only one of many elements that go into dysfunction of most bodily systems in ME/CFS.

Claiming "cures" is not something any reputable ME/CFS doctor has done--including Dr. Kenny De Meirleir. And, as was pointed out, the patient who was was quoted as having successful treatment with GcMAF with Dr. De Meirleir, did not take it for 6 years but for a matter of months.

And then their is the factor of the VDR which most doctors giving GcMAF feel is significant--at least in the length of necessary treatment. Professor Rugierro seems to have found that it is not so significant when using the MAF 314 delivery system, however, but found that it was in injected GcMAF--and I believe he was using your product.

Immune dysfunction certainly plays a large part in ME/CFS, but getting the immune system functional is only part of the challenge. This may be different for patients with HIV and cancer.

Did you by chance follow the recent conference in Ottawa on ME/CFS? There it became clear just how many bodily functions are dysfunction--the brain being one of the primary ones. Show us the data that brain lesions clear up in a few months. In fact, show us any data at all on improvements in ME/CFS patients. I don't dispute that improvement is there, but show us the lab reports.



Senior Member
to all:

do you think gcmaf should be continued even after nagalase is normal if the virus is still there?i am wondering if gcmaf is beneficial anyway even if nagalase is normal in boosting cd4-cd8 nk cells
To Healthconcern, Sushi, gu3vara, mojoey, lobba

To Healthconcern: You suggest I was wrong, and his treatment by KDM lasted only a year. What he said was:
"I have been to Brussels 20 times, approximately once every 3 months"

20 x 3 months = 5 years.

Thank you for contacting some of our doctors. Some on that list are very definitely using our GcMAF, in particular Dr Uta Santos Koenig, the first one, who is very experienced with GcMAF, so I find it odd you can't find a "proper" one.

We don't have permission to publish all our active 55 doctors' names, though we may seek it. If you contact us privately and ask for a doctor near you, we very probably have one. They are very helpful by nature -the very fact they are trying GcMAF means they are prepared to stick their necks out for their patients, even though they risk the wrath of the powerful pharmaceutical world.

If I may defend myself, yes, your suspicion is a very valuable and essential quality to have, if you are to survive in a world of politicians intent on building medical and political dictatorships.

So why do you apply it to us, and not to Dr Paul Cheney and Dr Kenny de Meirleir, both of whom seem to push a gcmaf (almost certainly the same one) that has no published tests?

People blog about getting vitamin D toxicity and horrific symptoms that clearly suggest they are not taking genuine GcMAF.

You cannot produce GcMAF without tests, because you have no way of knowing whether you succeeded or not. If GcMAF comes to you without tests, you can be certain its not genuine.

Our GcMAF has had over three hundred, yes 300, tests this year, the vast majority independent.

Why, gu3vara, do you regard us with suspicion? Where is your logic?

No, with 700 participants, sushi, we don't need you to buy our product.

What we do need to do is to stop charlatans damaging the reputation of GcMAF by putting vitamin D substitutes out as GcMAF. Vit D quickly becomes dangerously toxic if injected. Charlatans and their practices should be against the rules of this forum, not honest people.

Vitamin D does help cure both XMRV and CFS. But its very cheap and much less effective than GcMAF.

What is considered being cured of XMRV? Do you wish to deny Richard, whose XMRV-specialist doctor has no doubt about his XMRV diagnosis, or his cure? He was bed bound, useless. Not speaking. Now he has a full life, feels fabulous. His doctor is delighted. He should be. He chose us and cured him.

Isn't it amazing a vague posting, under a false name, therefore no means of verification, of one long winded cure by KDM is greeted with joy, and our multiple cures in different fields with suspicion?

You will get lab reports. He was our first XMRV patient 5 months ago. Gives us a chance. We specialise in terminal cancer, not XMRV.

Yes. Keep the GcMAF going. Nagalase normalises as the second or third improvement. The CD4 / 8 / VL / tumours linger on for longer. They can restart the nagalase and arrange the death of the body's natural GcMAF while they are around.

Doubling the dose makes an enormous difference with HIV. Probably does elsewhere too. (link removed) are providing many with a second vial without charge so they can.

Best wishes

David Noakes.
Hello David,

What i mean is, the patient sees KDM for 5 years, and only started GcMaf treatment from KDM a year ago. What he means is that thankfully with GcMaf, his life is back.

Btw, you mentioned about nagalase normalises and will return (increase level)? So how long does one expect to stay on GcMaf even if the nagalase level is normal?


Senior Member
Vitamin D does help cure both XMRV and CFS. But its very cheap and much less effective than GcMAF.

What is considered being cured of XMRV? Do you wish to deny Richard, whose XMRV-specialist doctor has no doubt about his XMRV diagnosis, or his cure? He was bed bound, useless. Not speaking. Now he has a full life, feels fabulous. His doctor is delighted. He should be. He chose us and cured him.

Isn't it amazing a vague posting, under a false name, therefore no means of verification, of one long winded cure by KDM is greeted with joy, and our multiple cures in different fields with suspicion?

I find it really annoying when discussions on this forum are hijacked by commercial interests.
It would certainly be helpful if they produced some piece of objective evidence to back up their claims. However all I see are just unverified anecdotes that this product cures Lyme disease and XMRV. I find these claims deeply unethical. The fact that posts are not anonymous does not mean they are less unethical than anonymous ones.
Hi cansado,

Some (10-15%) of us have white blood cells that kill cancer cells, in the summer. See Zheng Cui and Leukocyte InFusion Therapy (LIFT) now in 29 patient clinical trial at the South Florida Bone Marrow and Stem Cell Transplant Institute. LEF.org has funded the trial.

My untested presumption is that the cancer resistant people activate their own macrophages. Such people (or donors who do respond to GcMAF) could serve to supply white blood cells via apheresis for LIFT which might work with patients whose own macrophages do not respond. This infusion of white blood cells carries the risk of graft vs host disease, GVHD, so one tries to match blood type but mismatch HLA to minimize the likelihood of that life threatening problem.

I am not a doctor, but I am intrigued by the prospects of natural cures unhindered by patented drugs which provide monopoly profits.


Senior Member
i have tried both "double doses" every 5 days or "normal doses" every 3 days.

my experience is that i felt better with injections every 3 days than double dose every 5 days (i dont have blood tests, just impression because tried this for about 1 month)
what is the experience of the other trials partecipants on this?

i also restarted vit d 10000iu daily because the levels were only 49ng/ml with 5000iu daily, i do prefer to have levels at about 60-80ng/ml (well in high normal range) since hbvdna and vitamin d level are inversely correlated

To Healthconcern: You suggest I was wrong, and his treatment by KDM lasted only a year. What he said was:
"I have been to Brussels 20 times, approximately once every 3 months"

20 x 3 months = 5 years.

Thank you for contacting some of our doctors. Some on that list are very definitely using our GcMAF, in particular Dr Uta Santos Koenig, the first one, who is very experienced with GcMAF, so I find it odd you can't find a "proper" one.

We don't have permission to publish all our active 55 doctors' names, though we may seek it. If you contact us privately and ask for a doctor near you, we very probably have one. They are very helpful by nature -the very fact they are trying GcMAF means they are prepared to stick their necks out for their patients, even though they risk the wrath of the powerful pharmaceutical world.

If I may defend myself, yes, your suspicion is a very valuable and essential quality to have, if you are to survive in a world of politicians intent on building medical and political dictatorships.

So why do you apply it to us, and not to Dr Paul Cheney and Dr Kenny de Meirleir, both of whom seem to push a gcmaf (almost certainly the same one) that has no published tests?

People blog about getting vitamin D toxicity and horrific symptoms that clearly suggest they are not taking genuine GcMAF.

You cannot produce GcMAF without tests, because you have no way of knowing whether you succeeded or not. If GcMAF comes to you without tests, you can be certain its not genuine.

Our GcMAF has had over three hundred, yes 300, tests this year, the vast majority independent.

Why, gu3vara, do you regard us with suspicion? Where is your logic?

No, with 700 participants, sushi, we don't need you to buy our product.

What we do need to do is to stop charlatans damaging the reputation of GcMAF by putting vitamin D substitutes out as GcMAF. Vit D quickly becomes dangerously toxic if injected. Charlatans and their practices should be against the rules of this forum, not honest people.

Vitamin D does help cure both XMRV and CFS. But its very cheap and much less effective than GcMAF.

What is considered being cured of XMRV? Do you wish to deny Richard, whose XMRV-specialist doctor has no doubt about his XMRV diagnosis, or his cure? He was bed bound, useless. Not speaking. Now he has a full life, feels fabulous. His doctor is delighted. He should be. He chose us and cured him.

Isn't it amazing a vague posting, under a false name, therefore no means of verification, of one long winded cure by KDM is greeted with joy, and our multiple cures in different fields with suspicion?

You will get lab reports. He was our first XMRV patient 5 months ago. Gives us a chance. We specialise in terminal cancer, not XMRV.

Yes. Keep the GcMAF going. Nagalase normalises as the second or third improvement. The CD4 / 8 / VL / tumours linger on for longer. They can restart the nagalase and arrange the death of the body's natural GcMAF while they are around.

Doubling the dose makes an enormous difference with HIV. Probably does elsewhere too. (link removed) are providing many with a second vial without charge so they can.

Best wishes

David Noakes.


San Francisco
Thanks for the info lobba, though not on gcmaf, I brought my vit d from the 20s to 40s on 5000 IU per day and started to take 6000+ IU to raise it further, hopefully into the 60s. What is hbvdna? Thx & cheers.


Senior Member
it is hbv (hepatitis b virus) replication, on high serum vitamin d patients it is found undetactable

also hcv hepatitis c replication is lowered on high serum vitamin d

Thanks for the info lobba, though not on gcmaf, I brought my vit d from the 20s to 40s on 5000 IU per day and started to take 6000+ IU to raise it further, hopefully into the 60s. What is hbvdna? Thx & cheers.
To David Noakes:

1.) Would you provide a list of US MD's who are using Gcmaf? or @ least a few? All the ones I have contacted are using it through another lab.
2.) The doctors I have contacted, are selling the vials for $100 to $150.00 a vial. Do you charge patients the same amount as health care practitioners?
I believe we are able to order yours @ around $900 a vial? This confuses me... the MDs who are selling it to their patients for a mere $100-$150, well they are certainly
not buying it from you. They would be practically giving it away. Are your prices different for the public vs. your private buyers
3.) You claim to "give a vial to patients". Whom and when? This would be a great attribute, very generous.
4.) Compassion is never over rated. When people try and order from you, please try and be kind to all. We need grace while trying to give you our money @ the same time.


[banned as spam]
i also restarted vit d 10000iu daily because the levels were only 49ng/ml with 5000iu daily, i do prefer to have levels at about 60-80ng/ml (well in high normal range) since hbvdna and vitamin d level are inversely correlated

Did you ever check your blood calcium level at these higher doses of vitamin D3? My calcium always reached about 9.8 or 9.9 mg/dl (normal 8.2-10.0 mg/dl) with 10,000 IU vitamin D3 and blood levels of 88 and 87ng/ml (25-hydroxyvitamin D).

I'm not sure I want upper normal levels of calcium because of heart disease risk from higher calcium levels. Some of the clinical trials with vitamin D and calcium support this risk.

it is hbv (hepatitis b virus) replication, on high serum vitamin d patients it is found undetactable

also hcv hepatitis c replication is lowered on high serum vitamin d

Do you think vitamin A supplementation (not in the form of beta carotene), in combination with lower amounts of vitamin D3 might be better for HCV? I also think vitamin K2 might be important, since these 3 appear to work in combination. Too much of only one or the other could lead to deficiencies in the others.

I added 20mg vitamin K2 to my 50,000 IU vitamin A and 5000 IU vitamin D3 to see what it does to my calcium levels, but I haven't checked the blood test yet.


Senior Member
on hbv medhelp channel we are all on doses from 10.000iu to 20.000iu in order to get our values to 60-90ng/ml, none has ever had a change in calcium at all, infact despite we check calcium and vit d levels monthly we do think thats just terrorism

actually there are very very few cases of calcium increase with vit d serum levels at 350ng/ml or higher, also ranges for calcium are different lab to lab, in my research center 10.5 is still normal, but i am 9.5.the damage can come from caclium >12-13 for long time.we have no benefit from betcarotene and vitamin a in other form can be toxic for the liver, no benefits.also vit k no benefits.
most hbv carriers are totally healthy, only vit d is affected (of course those with severe liver damage is another story), hbv inactivates macrophages and dentric cells by hbsag, increase nagalase, lower vit d and increase cholesterol to make more antigens, this is the main unbalance we have and of course our disease is totally symptom free until you are close to death for cirrhosis or liver cancer, very few get to that stage

i do not suggest this vit d supplementation to cfs patients, we are of course different diseases

Did you ever check your blood calcium level at these higher doses of vitamin D3? My calcium always reached about 9.8 or 9.9 mg/dl (normal 8.2-10.0 mg/dl) with 10,000 IU vitamin D3 and blood levels of 88 and 87ng/ml (25-hydroxyvitamin D).

I'm not sure I want upper normal levels of calcium because of heart disease risk from higher calcium levels. Some of the clinical trials with vitamin D and calcium support this risk.

Do you think vitamin A supplementation (not in the form of beta carotene), in combination with lower amounts of vitamin D3 might be better for HCV? I also think vitamin K2 might be important, since these 3 appear to work in combination. Too much of only one or the other could lead to deficiencies in the others.

I added 20mg vitamin K2 to my 50,000 IU vitamin A and 5000 IU vitamin D3 to see what it does to my calcium levels, but I haven't checked the blood test yet.


[banned as spam]
on hbv medhelp channel we are all on doses from 10.000iu to 20.000iu in order to get our values to 60-90ng/ml, none has ever had a change in calcium at all, infact despite we check calcium and vit d levels monthly we do think thats just terrorism

actually there are very very few cases of calcium increase with vit d serum levels at 350ng/ml or higher, also ranges for calcium are different lab to lab, in my research center 10.5 is still normal, but i am 9.5.the damage can come from caclium >12-13 for long time.

we have no benefit from betcarotene and vitamin a in other form can be toxic for the liver, no benefits.also vit k no benefits.

Thank you for the comments. They are very interesting.

Have you checked vitamin A status together with vitamin D? I check blood levels of both vitamin D and vitamin A, but I have never checked vitamin K. I find suboptimal levels of vitamin A without supplementation, which require pretty high daily doses as mentioned to keep in the mid-normal range of about 65 mcg/dl (reference range 27-102 g/dl). In these cases I haven't got toxicity even taking 150,000 IU natural vitamin A (from fish liver oil) daily for extended periods. I can't recommend other forms which are often used, because these may in fact be more likely to cause toxicity. I don't recommend these kinds of doses in the absence of a serious disease or regular vitamin A blood testing.

Vitamin K2 has benefits against liver cancer, which is a risk factor for hepatitis. What makes you feel there is no benefit with K2?

Role of Vitamin K2 in the Development of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Women With Viral Cirrhosis of the Liver
Conclusion There is a possible role for vitamin K2 in the prevention of hepatocellular carcinoma in women with viral cirrhosis.

JAMA, July 21, 2004Vol 292, No. 3

Coronary calcification (rather than cholesterol) is a very real problem and predicts future heart attacks and coronary death. It puts into question the common recommendation of calcium supplementation in many people. This I feel is the more serious issue rather than vitamin D, because the evidence is much clearer. However, whether or not vitamin D plays a role is worth monitoring. I have been a big fan of vitamin D for a long time, but I'm also interested in vitamin A and K2 and how they work with vitamin D. I'm sure more will come to light with future research into all 3 and how they interact.

Calcium Deposits and Heart Disease

A report published this year in the New England Journal of Medicine confirms that the accumulation of calcium in coronary arteries predicts a future heart attack or other heart trouble far more accurately than cholesterol, or other standard risk factors [3]. The coronary calcium study included 6722 men and women from mixed ethnic backgrounds that had no clinical heart disease on entry, and were followed for a median of 3.8 years. There were 163 coronary events of which 89 were major infarctions or death.



Senior Member
i know of k on liver cancer but there is other ways to prevent it more potent than vit k, a medhelp member is using it.the type for liver cancer is sold in japan only it is a particular form

as to calcium deposits if hdl is high and ther is no risk for heart disease and calcium is low there is no increased risk, vit d will also increase hdl and hdl is antiviral it has a immune system proven effect, a clinic combine vit d and omega 3 and is able to reach hdl 80.on medhelp me and others got hdl 65, my sister 77

those with highest hdl over 60 have lowest hbvdna or und
those with highest vitd25oh levels re found inactive hbv and hbvdna und or extremely low


San Francisco
The functional docs I visit every 3-6 months recommend levels >60 ng/ml or even >80 ng/ml of D3 as optimal levels, depending on who you talk to.


Senior Member
about caclium deposits and heart mortality and general mortality, this may not apply to cfs but to general population and other diseases

Vitamin D deficiency is a predictor of reduced survival in patients with heart failure; vitamin D supplementation improves outcome. feb 2012 study on about 50.000 patients

Mortality reduced 1 percent for every 1 nanogram increase in vitamin D Feb 2012
Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels and overall mortality.
A systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies.

mortality and vit d levels studies

Thank you for the comments. They are very interesting.

Have you checked vitamin A status together with vitamin D? I check blood levels of both vitamin D and vitamin A, but I have never checked vitamin K. I find suboptimal levels of vitamin A without supplementation, which require pretty high daily doses as mentioned to keep in the mid-normal range of about 65 mcg/dl (reference range 27-102 g/dl). In these cases I haven't got toxicity even taking 150,000 IU natural vitamin A (from fish liver oil) daily for extended periods. I can't recommend other forms which are often used, because these may in fact be more likely to cause toxicity. I don't recommend these kinds of doses in the absence of a serious disease or regular vitamin A blood testing.

Vitamin K2 has benefits against liver cancer, which is a risk factor for hepatitis. What makes you feel there is no benefit with K2?

Role of Vitamin K2 in the Development of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Women With Viral Cirrhosis of the Liver
Conclusion There is a possible role for vitamin K2 in the prevention of hepatocellular carcinoma in women with viral cirrhosis.

JAMA, July 21, 2004Vol 292, No. 3

Coronary calcification (rather than cholesterol) is a very real problem and predicts future heart attacks and coronary death. It puts into question the common recommendation of calcium supplementation in many people. This I feel is the more serious issue rather than vitamin D, because the evidence is much clearer. However, whether or not vitamin D plays a role is worth monitoring. I have been a big fan of vitamin D for a long time, but I'm also interested in vitamin A and K2 and how they work with vitamin D. I'm sure more will come to light with future research into all 3 and how they interact.

Calcium Deposits and Heart Disease

A report published this year in the New England Journal of Medicine confirms that the accumulation of calcium in coronary arteries predicts a future heart attack or other heart trouble far more accurately than cholesterol, or other standard risk factors [3]. The coronary calcium study included 6722 men and women from mixed ethnic backgrounds that had no clinical heart disease on entry, and were followed for a median of 3.8 years. There were 163 coronary events of which 89 were major infarctions or death.
