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Suboxone , OUD, pain and privacy (hipaa) question


Senior Member
Basically just what the title says. I have no stigma about addiction but wnat suboxone script to help with pain, however it's no secret to most ppl that pain doctors and doctors in general may undertreated the pain of people who have na addiction diagnosis, in future. So while I dont really fit the criteria for opioid use disorder , I know it would be hard to get a suboxone script for pain, whereas it's easier to get it for addiction than it is to get most pain meds. Howeverwhaf happens once I have an addiction diagnosis? Does hipaa prevent other docs from knowing this without me signing consent forms? Or are there laws disregarding this type of privacy due to the opioid crisis?

Would a suboxone clinic even treat me without a pcp sharing info or what?

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
Howeverwhaf happens once I have an addiction diagnosis? Does hipaa prevent other docs from knowing this without me signing consent forms? Or are there laws disregarding this type of privacy due to the opioid crisis?
About the only portability, other than the possibility of maintaining insurance coverage when you're between jobs, that the Health Information and Portablity and Accountability Act provides seems to be between Drs, hospitals, and pretty much any licensed caregiver who can manufacture a reason for access to your entire medical history. Information leaks have been massive, as have hacks, breaches, and just downright dumb mistakes.

It makes transmission of your records between Drs, medical offices, hospitals, clinics, etc, fast and easy, since it pretty much forced private practices to computerize all their patient's medical records for ease of transmission. It really wasnt intended to protect the privacy of any of us ...

And now that large hospitals have been slowly and stealthily buying up private practices of Drs with privileges at their institutions, while allowing the Dr to continue to practice as tho he were the sole legal owner, and realy hope of medical privacy is pretty much gone.

I'd be cautious with this. Public attitudes may change in the future, but right now, it looks like an 'addict' label pretty much guarantees second- or third-class-citizenship, at least in some regards.
Would a suboxone clinic even treat me without a pcp sharing info or what?
It would depend on the clinic. It might be worth checking around and seeing what the attitudes and requirements are in a few clinics near you. Clinics have overhead too, and generally would welcome additional income, legalities permitting. They also tend NOT to keep computerized medical records, for the express purpose of protecting their patient's privacy.


Senior Member
U.S., Earth
Does hipaa prevent other docs from knowing this without me signing consent forms?

In theory, yes, but you would have to check the forms you sign when you first see the doctor. Some doctors make you sign HIPAA releases that allow them to share information with other doctors in their practice/network.

My understanding may be a bit outdated, though, so you may want to consult:
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