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Stunted Growth


I have been suffering from CFS almost my whole life. I have really messed up genes as shown in my 23andMe report and I think the mutations were "activated" when I had a vaccine injury at 18 months old. It also shows mutations in my mitochondria.

At 24 years old, I have very thin bones (my wrist is even thinner than my 8 year old cousin) and have very little muscle mass (I don't seem to have any oblique muscles around my waist and my pelvic bones are protruding quite abit, my ribs can also be seen very clearly. My spine can be seen very clearly through my back and my shoulder blades protrude as well.)

I am very sure I am eating enough I eat about 5 caloric-dense meals a day and never let myself go hungry. I am 48kg (105lbs) and 1.71m (5'6").

Is there anyone facing the same problem?


Senior Member
I went through a phase where I became quite thin but later on, entered a phase where I gained weight. I think it has something to do with the way the disease affects hormones/glands ....gut flora....something lol

have you seen a CFS specialist?

since you had a vaccine injury at 18 months, did you show signs of autism etc?


Senior Member
I have a genetic disorder and probable vaccine reaction around 18 months that I see as a viral reaction,I think it maybe linked to metabolism mitochondria and immune inherited faults
I went through a phase where I became quite thin but later on, entered a phase where I gained weight. I think it has something to do with the way the disease affects hormones/glands ....gut flora....something lol

have you seen a CFS specialist?

since you had a vaccine injury at 18 months, did you show signs of autism etc?

Hmm, yea my gut flora seems to be horrible and I have multiple allergies which include quinoa, rice and potatoes and many more.

I'm seeing a naturopathic doctor who has a plan for me regarding my genetic mutations. Did you see a CFS specialist and did it help you?

Hmm, I have always felt that I had very mild autism but I can't really confirm it with all the brain fog/fatigue and restlessness. I've told some of my friends who don't think I am autistic but I have one friend that notices that I have some ADD symptoms, but that might be due to all the discomfort I experience in my body (brain fog, mylgia). On my good days I feel that I can focus on a single task very well though (of course, I start to get really tired around 30mins).
I have a genetic disorder and probable vaccine reaction around 18 months that I see as a viral reaction,I think it maybe linked to metabolism mitochondria and immune inherited faults

It might be the same for me, I have mutations in my detox pathways, which might have caused the high fever and fits due to my body not being able to detox itself from the vaccine, which others probably could.


Senior Member
@RinkyInky I for CFS after "mono" when I was 22. I am now 45. I became so sick a few years ago, I was bedridden and in total agony. I am better now, after seeing dr. Kenny demeirleir. he is the best specialist for this disease.
@RinkyInky I for CFS after "mono" when I was 22. I am now 45. I became so sick a few years ago, I was bedridden and in total agony. I am better now, after seeing dr. Kenny demeirleir. he is the best specialist for this disease.

That's great, glad that you are better.

May I know what he used to help you?

Hmm that's interesting. What was your experience and how did your doctor come to the conclusion it was bacteria/ which kind of antibiotics to give you?