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Study. Sleep deprivation Attenuates orthostatic BP response


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Could be tania. Maybe also part of the reason so many of us feel like crap when we have a bad night, where normal people can soldier through and sleep the next.



Senior Member
Sth Australia
Someone pointed out to me the other day that I had the meaning of "attenuate" wrong. That means lessens not increases and I'd been thinking it was the other way around.

I suppose thou anything which alters BP mechanism thou may cause dysregulation in which it also could go the other way??? (or maybe my BP issues would be worst if I didnt have insomina?? seeing it "attenuates").


Places I'd rather be.
Don't know if this is related, but I have noticed that when I was testing myself for POTS the heartrate changes were much less obvious later in the evening. However, I suspect sleep deprivation makes my heartrate less stable in other ways.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Don't know if this is related, but I have noticed that when I was testing myself for POTS the heartrate changes were much less obvious later in the evening. However, I suspect sleep deprivation makes my heartrate less stable in other ways.

Ive read one ME specialist say that dysautonomic testing is actually best done in the morning but who really knows.. for some their ME/CFS seems worst in the afternoon. I myself have never compared the morning and afternoon to see if Im more worst with dysautomonia things at one time then another. Thanks.. gives me something new to think about.


Places I'd rather be.
Most symptoms in general are usually worse for me in the afternoon too. I wonder, if the sympathetic nervous system is generally overactive, some dysautonomic symptoms may be worse in the morning when the SNS is strongest, but on the other hand, if an overactive SNS can temporarily compensate for some other aspects of ME/CFS, then other symptoms become worse later in the day. However, obviously not every patient is the same, and as the condition is multi-systemic there are lots of different reasons why symptoms can worsen and fluctuate during the course of the day.

If you start experimenting, you may also notice POTS and NMH are worse after sleep or a nap, even if sleep and nap was overall beneficial. Sometimes I feel worse after a nap too, which seems to depend on other factors, but better later on because of said nap. Have you ever heard the behaviour-babble about needing to avoid daily napping in order to establish better sleep hygiene? Those who are mildly affected may have extra trouble getting to sleep if napping too much during the day, but for moderately and severely affected this advice is misguided where napping is important to get through the day.